HC Deb 16 March 1830 vol 23 cc377-8

A Motion for calling the House over having been fixed for to-day, the attendance of Members at four o'clock was unusually great; and the call was, therefore, not enforced.

Sir R. Vyvyan

, who had given the notice of moving that the House be called over, referring to that notice, and to the large number of Members in attendance, said, that the great object he had in view was to procure that large attendance which he now saw present. There were also, he understood, many other Members in town who would be present in the course of the evening, and he had no doubt that the division on the motion of the hon. Member for Shaftesbury on the State of the Country on that evening, would express the full sense of the country on this important question. He would therefore now move that the order for calling the House over be discharged. Ordered accordingly.

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