HC Deb 08 March 1830 vol 22 cc1398-400

Page 117.—The observations on the present state of Manufactures ascribed to Lord Tullamore (page 118) were made by Mr. Ewart, one of the Members for Bletchinley:—in the same Speech, another error has crept in, where the word yards is repeatedly put forpounds.

Page 687.—In the Marquis of Blandford's Speech on Parliamentary Reform, a quotation is given incorrectly; it should be "Sum ex iis, qui mirer antiquos."

As in adverting to any Proceedings in Parliament, the Reader must have frequent occasion to refer to "HANSARD'S PARLIAMENTARY HISTORY," and to the Two Series of " HANSARD'S PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES;" the subjoined TABLES, which exhibit at one view the period comprised in each volume of those Works, will be found very useful.

Showing the A. D. and the A. R. in which the Thirty-six Volumes of HANSARD'S PARLIAMENTARY HISTORY OF ENGLAND respectively commence and conclude.
VOL. I 6 WM. I 1072 to 22 JAMES I 1624
II 1 CHAS. I 1625 to 18 CHAS I 1642
III 18 I 1642 to 12 II 1660
IV 12 II 1660 to 4 JAMES II 1688
V 4 JAS. II 1688 to 13 WM. III 1702
VI 1 ANNE 1702 to 13 ANNE 1714
VII 1 GEO. I 1714 to 8 GEO. I 1722
VIII 9 1722 to 6 GEO. II 1733
IX 6 GEO. II 1733 to 10 1737
X 10 1737 to 12 1739
XI 13 1739 to 14 1741
XII 14 1741 to 16 1743
XIII 16 1743 to 20 1747
XIV 20 1747 to 26 1753
XV 26 1753 to 4 GEO. III 1764
XVI 5 GEO. III 1765 to 11 1771
XVII 11 1771 to 14 1774
XVIII 15 1774 to 17 1777
XIX 17 1777 to 19 1778
XX 19 1778 to 20 1780
XXI 20 1780 to 21 1781
XXII 21 1781 to 22 1782
XXIII 22 1782 to 24 1783
XXIV 24 1783 to 25 1785
XXV 25 1785 to 26 1786
XXVI 26 1786 to 28 1788
XXVII 28 1788 to 29 1789
XXVIII 29 1789 to 31 1791
XXIX 31 1791 to 33 1792
XXX 33 1792 to 34 1794
XXXI 34 1794 to 35 1795
XXXII 35 1795 to 37 1797
XXXIII 37 1797 to 39 1798
XXXIV 39 1798 to 40 1800
XXXV 40 1800 to 41 1801
XXXVI 42 1801 to 43 1803
Showing the A. D. and the A. R. in which the Volumes of the First and Second Series of HANSARD'S PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES respectively commence and conclude.
First Series.
VOL. I—II 44 GEO. III 1803/4
III—V 45 1805
VI—VII 46 1806
VIII—IX 47 1806/7
X—XI 48 1808
XII—XIV 49 1809
XV—XVII 50 1810
XVIII—XX 51 1810/11
XXI—XXIII 52 1812
XXIV—XXVI 53 1812/13
XXVII—XXVIII 54 1813/14
XXIX—XXXI 55 1814/15
XXXV—XXXVI 57 1817
XXXIX—XL 59 1819
XLI 60 1819/20
new Series.
VOL. I—III 1 GEO. IV 1820
IV— V 2 1821
VI—VIII 3 1822
VIII—IX 4 1823
X—XI 5 1824
XII—XIII 6 1825
XIV—XVI 7 1826
XVII 8 1827
XVIII—XIX 9 1828
XX—XXI 10 1829