Mr. Alderman Waithmanpresented a petition from the Ward of Aldgate, for the repeal of the Assessed Taxes. It was most respectably signed, the name of the Alderman of the Ward being at the head of the petition, and that was followed by the names of the Commissioners of Assessed Taxes. The petitioners deplored the declining state of trade, which had been failing since 1825, and as trade declined these taxes became a most intolerable hardship. The Assessed Taxes fell very severely on tradesmen, who paid two-thirds of the sum levied in that district. The litigation occasioned by these taxes was appalling, and the surcharges were very numerous, amounting to 180,000l. in the year. The surcharges, too, had always been most ruinous in seasons of distress. He thought, therefore, that the repeal of those taxes was preferable to the removal of any other portion of the public burthens. He had no intention to throw impediments in the way of his Majesty's Ministers, but if they did not bring forward a measure for the repeal of those taxes, he must make a motion to that effect.
Mr. Wilkswas convinced, that nothing would be so acceptable to the public as the remission of these taxes. Fie hoped the worthy Alderman would persevere in his intention, and he should most certainly give him all the support in his power.
§ Petition laid on the Table.
General Palmerpresented a petition from Bath against the House and Window-tax. The gallant General observed, that the petition had been more numerously signed than any former similar petition presented to the House; and although the petitioners had expressed themselves in strong terms, as they had said nothing upon the subject which at present so 60 much occupied the House and country— viz., the question of Reform, the gallant General hoped it would be considered as a proof that distress alone had urged their complaints, whilst they had abstained from alluding to the cause, trusting that the Government would relieve them from the burthen of a tax they were no longer able to bear.
Mr. Humesupported the prayer of the petition; Bath was particularly affected by these taxes, and he hoped to see them repealed.
Mr. Alderman Waithmanalso supported the prayer of the petition. He hoped the people would petition on this subject till the taxes were repealed.
§ Petition to lie on the Table.