§ Mr. O'Connellwished to put a question to his hon. friend opposite, relative to the situation of Vice-treasurer of Ireland. Amongst the papers laid on the Table, there was a Treasury Minute relative to that office, which it had been proposed to abolish. But on looking at the Act of Parliament, he found that the office, under the provisions of the Statute, could not be abolished. He therefore requested to know what was meant to be done.
§ Mr. Spring Ricesaid, that though the office could not be abolished, still the contemplated saving would be effected. At present the Vice-treasurer had 2,000l. a year, there was a deputy at 800l. a year, and an establishment. The Government, in effecting a reduction, had made this arrangement. They found that the deputy Vice-treasurer had for many years acted also as Chief Clerk in the Irish department of the Treasury here at 1,000l. a year, and they proposed that that gentleman should execute the duties of the Vice-treasurer, which he had acceded to, for an additional sum of 200l. a year. The salaries of Vice-treasurer and of the deputy being discontinued, the entire saving would be 2,600l. per annum. They could not abolish the office of Vice-Treasurer, for that was fixed by an Act of Parliament. He was also Auditor of the Pells and of Taxes; and an Act of Parliament would be necessary for the purpose of doing away with the office. The Government had already done something, but what it was disposed to do would not rest there; for it would be the duty of the gentleman who was to fill the office to inquire what other savings could be made, and what number of clerks could be dispensed with, and if 779 possible still greater reductions should be effected.