On the motion of Mr. Wynn, the order of the day was read for the attendance of Mr. French and Mr. Lambert at the bar. The right hon. gentleman suggested, that, as a charge had been made against Mr. French, that gentleman should be first called, that he might have an opportunity of explaining. Mr. French having been called in,
§ The Speakeraddressed him as follows: "Mr. French, I have to acquaint you, that yesterday a petition was presented to this House on the part of Mr. Thomas Lambert, complaining of conduct on your part towards him in the lobby of the House. The House is anxious to know whether you have any observations which you wish to offer to its consideration with reference to this subject?"
§ Mr. Frenchsaid, that some of his friends had already informed him that he had said that which was considered offensive to the House. If he had done so, he assured the House that he was sorry for it, and that it was under the influence of very strong feeling. Here the hon. gentleman paused for a moment, evidently much affected.
Mr. Secretary Peelsaid, he believed the gentleman at the bar did not fully understand the object of what the Speaker had addressed to him. The object was, that he should state the facts as they occurred to him and not to offer any apology.
§ Mr. Frenchthen proceeded for a few minutes, but not a word of what he said was audible in the gallery. He appeared to be very much affected, and at last was unable to proceed.
There were now several cries of "withdraw," and the Speaker having intimated to Mr. French that he might retire,
§ Mr. Wynnsaid, that, under the feelings which the gentleman had evinced at the bar, he hoped it would be deemed that sufficient had now been done. At the same time he trusted that what had been done would be an example to others, that the House would, upon all occasions, be ready to extend its protection equally to all persons whom it might call before it witnesses. He then moved, "That Mr. French and Mr. Lambert be discharged from any further attendance."
The motion was agreed to.