HC Deb 25 April 1825 vol 13 cc163-4
Mr. J. Williams

begged leave to ask the right hon. the Secretary for the Home Department, whether there was any prospect of the report of the commission appointed to inquire into the practice of the Court of Chancery being laid before the House?

Mr. Peel

said, he was not prepared to give a satisfactory answer to the question. He could have no official communication with the commissioners until the report was made. As to the progress made in the inquiry, or the approximation towards the completion of the report, he really possessed no official information. He would advise the hon. member to address his inquiry to the hon. member for Exeter, or some other member of the commission.

Mr. Brougham

expressed his surprise, that the commission had not yet laid any information before the House, as to their proceedings; particularly as the Solicitor- General had, some time ago, informed the House, that they might soon expect a "partial report," to use his own words, on the subject.

Mr. W. Courtenay

said, it would be improper for him to attempt to fix any time at which the report of the commission would be made; but, this he would state most distinctly, that the commissioners had not been idle. There was, he could assure the House, no wish, on the part of any member of the commission, to create the least delay as to the presentation of the report. He believed he might say, that the report would be presented in the course of the session; but he would not be understood as pledged to that declaration. He was sure the House would see the propriety of his speaking thus guardedly, when they recollected, that the object of the commission was, to inquire into the practice which had existed for centuries in the highest court of judicature in the kingdom. Whatever his hon. and learned friend might think on the subject, the commissioners were of opinion, that no alteration should be made in the practice of that court, without full and deliberate discussion. The commissioners had reviewed the whole practice of the court from its very commencement; and before they could be prepared to recommend any improvement of the present system, they must take time to consider the subject deliberately.