HC Deb 25 April 1825 vol 13 cc162-3
Mr. F. Palmer

moved the second reading of this bill.

Mr. Peel

characterized the bill, as a very important measure, and declared himelf in favour of its principle. He wished, however, the hon. member would, after it had been committed, allow it to stand over, to afford opportunity for local inquiry on the subject.

The Solicitor-General

was also of opinion, that the measure was one of considerable importance. The object of the bill was, to enable magistrates of counties to purchase isolated parcels of land which belonged to other counties from those in which they were naturally placed, and thus caused much inconvenience, with respect to the administration of justice, the collection of taxes, the raising of the militia, and other matters. There was, he believed, a piece of land of this description in Berkshire, which belonged to the county of Wilts, and there were many others in other parts of England. He was of opinion, that it would be intrusting magistrates with too great an authority, to enable them to determine what parts of counties, as at present existing, should be annexed to others. The principle of the bill was too important, and the details too complicated, to allow of its being carried into effect, except by a committee of the House of Commons.

Sir T. Acland

said, he was much interested in the measure; which he hoped the hon. member would withdraw for the present session.

The bill was then read a second time.