HC Deb 15 March 1819 vol 39 c986

Sir Robert Wilson presented a petition from Mr. Thomas William Grady, setting forth, That in a moment of irritation the petitioner did inconsiderately address a witness in language which he is now sensible ought not to have been held, whilst its expression was a violation of the privileges of the House; deeply impressed with a sense of his error, and its injurious consequences, he does, as some reparation, assure the House, that he will not only refrain from a repetition of his: offence during the proceedings instituted, in compliance with the prayer of his former petition; but he voluntarily declares that he will abstain from all subsequent acts of a similar nature and tendency: being determined to leave the vindication of his character to the judicial result of the proceedings now pending, and feeling assured that his personal honour can never be impeached for the maintenance of a line of conduct in unison with the wishes and opinions of the House; the petitioner, having thus expressed the sentiments of his contrition, throws himself upon the consideration of the House.