HC Deb 15 March 1819 vol 39 cc986-7

On the Motion of sir R. Wilson, Mr. T. W. Grady was brought to the bar, where he received the following Reprimand from Mr. Speaker: Thomas William Grady;—The using insulting language to any person, in consequence of the evidence he has given at this bar, or the threatening him, with reference to any evidence he may be called upon to give, is a contempt of the authority, and a breach of the privileges of this House, which never has been, and never will be tolerated. In your Petition you state a full acknowledgment of your guilt, and deep contrition for it; you plead in excuse the irritation of your mind, and the difficulties of your situation; and from these causes your forgetfulness at the moment of what was due both to this House and to yourself; all these circumstances have been weighed, and added to the inexperience of your youth, have procured the most indulgent consideration of your case; but let me warn you, be not misled by the lenity now extended to you; this House will not be trifled with: witnesses under the examination of this House, are under the protection of the House; and a repetition of this outrage, either by yourself or by others, during the progress of this inquiry, or at any time growing out of this inquiry, will be Visited by this House with the utmost rigour and the severest punishment.

Ordered, nem. con., that the said reprimand be entered on the Journals of this House.