HC Deb 09 April 1818 vol 37 c1229
Lord Castlereagh,

in pursuance of the notice he had given, rose to make a motion on a subject on which he was convinced there was but one sentiment on both sides of the House. He was persuaded that all parties were most solicitous to offer their unanimous congratulations to his royal highness the Prince Regent and the royal family on the recent marriage of her royal highness the princess Elizabeth, with his serene highness the hereditary Prince of Hesse Hombourg; a prince whose character stood so high in Europe; who had been a distinguished soldier all his life; who had partaken in almost all the great battles by which the independence and tranquillity of Europe had been achieved, and who had exhibited in the field all those qualities which characterize a brave, zealous, and able officer. Convinced as he was that all who heard him entertained the most sincere wishes for the happiness of this illustrious pair, he should trespass no farther on the House, but merely move, "That an humble Address be presented to his royal highness the Prince Regent, to offer the dutiful congratulations of this House to his Royal Highness, on the happy nuptials of her royal highness the Princess Elizabeth, daughter of his Majesty, with his serene highness Frederick Joseph Louis Charles Augustus, landgrave and hereditary Prince of Hesse Hombourg; and to assure his Royal Highness of the sincere and heartfelt satisfaction which this House derives from a circumstance that must add so much domestic happiness to his Majesty's family."

The motion was agreed to nem. con. It was also resolved, That the House should congratulate her Majesty on the above happy event; and also that a Message of Congratulation should be sent to the Princess Elizabeth, and to the Prince of Hesse Hombourg.