Sir George Clerkemoved the order of the day for the third reading of the Scotch Game and Fish Preservation Bill.
§ Mr. W. Dundasopposed the principle of the Bill, as being excessively severe, arbitrary, and unnecessary.
Sir G. Clerkeobserving that those terms were particularly applied to two clauses of the Bill, the one inflicting a severe penalty on unqualified persons killing game and fish, and the other on persons laying snares, declared, that he was willing to withdraw both; and hoped, by such a concession, to conciliate the favour of the hon. gentleman, and also of the member for Glasgow (Mr. Finlay), who he understood intended to oppose the Bill.
§ Mr. J. P. Grantsaid, that his objection to the Bill was not confined to those two clauses, but was extended to another, which he considered equally oppressive. 609 He alluded to that which authorized sending persons convicted of the offence to the House of Correction, instead of the Countygaol, the usual place of punishment.
§ Sir George Warrenderstated, that several representations had been transmitted to him from many parts of Scotland, deprecating the proposed Bill, and declaring, that its effects would be totally different from what were expected. The measure was unknown to Scotland, ill suited to the manners and feelings of the people, and consequently injurious and oppressive. He therefore should oppose it.
§ Mr. Hornerexpressed his unqualified dissent to the measure; and that opinion was in no small degree confirmed by the assertion made by an hon. member, that it was totally unnecessary, an assertion of considerable weight, as coming from one who was himself a keen sportsman. He feared that the gentlemen of Scotland who favoured the Bill, had not attended sufficiently to its object; to afford them, therefore, more time, he would move, as an amendment, "That the Bill be read this day three months."
After some further observations from sir G. Clerke, Mr. Abercrombie, sir C. Monck, Mr. Serjeant Best, and lord Binning, sir George Clerke consented to withdraw the Bill altogether.