HC Deb 07 April 1815 vol 30 cc375-87
Lord Castlereagh

presented, by command of the Prince Regent, the following Papers, relative to the person and family of Napoleon Buonaparté.

No. 1.—Viscount CASTLEREAGH to Earl BATHURST.

Paris, April 13th, 1814.

My Lord;—I arrived here on the 10th in the evening. The great and auspicious events which had intervened between my last dispatches from Dijon, I had the satisfaction to find had been regularly transmitted home by viscount Cathcart and sir Charles Stewart. The hurry of a first arrival must excuse me to your lordship, for adding little to the mass of important and interesting matter, which you will find detailed in the various Journals, with respect to the progress of the happy change which has been effected. I shall therefore, on the present occasion, confine myself to an explanation of what has passed with respect to the future destination and settlement of Napoleon and his family.

Your lordship has been already informed, by lord Cathcart, of the Act of Abdication which was passed by Buonaparté on the 4th instant, and of the assurance given him by the Emperor of Russia and the provisional Government, of a pecuniary provision of six millions of francs, with a safe asylum in the Island of Elba. The Act in question was deposited in the hands of M. de Caulaincourt and the marshals Ney and Macdonald, to be given up upon the due execution of engagements on the part of the Allies, with respect to the proposed arrangement. These persons were also authorized to agree to an armistice, and to settle such a line of demarcation as might be satisfactory to the Allies, and, in the mean time, prevent an unnecessary effusion of blood.

On my arrival I found this arrangement on the point of execution. A convention had been discussed, and would have, in fact, been signed in the course of the day, by the Russian minister, had not the approach of the allied ministers been announced. The motives for accelerating the immediate conclusion of this Act were the inconvenience, if not the danger, of Napoleon's remaining at Fontambleau, surrounded by troops, who still, in a considerable degree, remained faithful to him, the apprehension of intrigues in the army and in the capital, and the importance attached, by a considerable portion of the officers, to some arrangement favourable to their Chief, in satisfaction of their personal honour, before they left him.

On the night of my arrival, the four ministers had a conference with the prince de Benevent on the subject of the proposed Convention, to which I stated my objections, desiring, at the same time, to be understood as not urging them then, at the hazard of the internal tranquillity of France, nor in impeachment of what was due, in good faith, to the assurance given, under the exigency of the moment, by Russia.

The prince of Benevent admitted the weight of many of the objections stated, but declared that he did consider it, on the part of the provisional Government, as an object of the first importance, to avoid any thing that might assume the character of a civil war, even for the shortest time:—That he also found some such measure essential to make the army pass over in a temper to be made use of. Upon these declarations, and the count de Nesselrode's, that the Emperor his master had felt it necessary, in the absence of the Allies, to act for the best in their name as well as his own, I withdrew any further opposition to the principle of the measure, suggesting only some alterations in the details. I desired however to decline, on the part of my Government, being more than an acceding party to the Treaty, and declared that the Act of Accession on the part of Great Britain should not go beyond the territorial arrangements proposed in the Treaty. My objections to our being unnecessarily mixed in its forms, especially in the recognition of Napoleon's title under present circumstances, were considered as perfectly reasonable; and I now inclose the protocol and note which will explain the extent to which I have taken upon me to give assurances on the part of my Court.

At my suggestion the recognition of the imperial titles in the family were limited to their respective lives, for which there was a precedent in the case of the King of Poland, when he became Elector of Saxony.

To the arrangement in favour of the Empress I felt not only no objection, but considered it due to the distinguished sacrifice of domestic feelings which the Emperor of Austria was making to the cause of Europe. I should have wished to substitute another position in lieu of Elba for the seat of Napoleon's retirement; but none having the quality of security, on which he insisted, seemed disposable, to which equal objections did not occur; and I did not feel, that I could encourage the alternative, which M. de Caulaincourt assured me Buonaparté repeatedly mentioned, namely, an asylum in England.

On the same night the allied ministers had a conference with M. de Caulaincourt and the marshals, at which I assisted. The Treaty was gone through and agreed to with alterations; it has been since signed and ratified, and Buonaparté will commence his movement towards the South to-morrow, or the day following.


(First Inclosure in No. 1.)—Protocol.


The Plenipotentiaries of his Majesty the Emperor Napoleon, and those of the Allied Powers, having met this day, have agreed upon the Articles of the Treaty containing the final arrangements with respect to the Emperor Napoleon and his family.

Lord Castlereagh

, minister of his Britannic Majesty, declared that England could not become a party to the above Treaty; but engaged to notify, as soon as possible, the accession of his Court to so much of that Treaty, as concerns the free possession and the peaceable enjoyment, in full sovereignty, of the Isle of Elba, and of the duchies of Parma, Placentia, and Guastalla, lord Castlereagh promised likewise, to furnish the necessary passports and safe conducts for the voyage.

The Plenipotentiaries of his Majesty the emperor Napoleon having demanded, that her majesty the empress Maria Louisa should be allowed, in full property, an annual revenue of two millions, for herself and heirs, to be paid out of the funds placed by the Emperor either in the Great Book, in the Bank of France, in the Actions des Forêts, or in any other manner, ail which funds his Majesty gives up to the Crown; the Plenipotentiaries of the Allied Courts declared, that, as the provisional Government of France had refused taking, of itself, a determination to this effect, their Courts engaged to employ their good offices with the new Sovereign of France, to grant to her majesty the empress Maria Louisa such allowance.

An agreement was subsequently made with the Plenipotentiaries of the Allied Powers, that the provisional Government of France should deliver to the Plenipotentiaries of his majesty the emperor Napoleon, a declaration containing their adhesion and their full and entire guarantee to such stipulations of the above Treaty as concern France. Paris, April, 10th, 1814.

(Second Inclosure in No. 1.)

Paris, April 11, 1814.

Lord Castlereagh

, in undertaking on the part of his Government, for an Act of Accession to the Treaty signed this day, so far as the same concerns the possession in sovereignty of the Island of Elba, and also of the Duchies of Parma, Placentia, and Guastalla, requests it may be understood that the Act in question will, in conformity to the accustomed usage of the British Government, be an act binding upon his Britannic Majesty with respect to his own acts, but not with respect to the acts of third parties.

No. 2.

Leurs Majestés l'Empereur d'Autriche, l'Empereur de toutes les Russies, et le Roi de Prusse, stipulant tant en leur nom, qu'en celui de tous leurs Alliés, d'une part; et sa Majesté l'Empereur Napoléon, de l'autre; ayant nommé pour leurs Plénipotentiaires; savoir: sa Majesté l'Empereur d'Autriche, M. le Prince de Metternich, &c. sa Majesté l'Empereur de toutes les Russies, M. le Comte de Nesselrode, &c.; sa Majesté le Roi de Prusse, M. le Baron de Hardenberg, &c.; et sa Majesté l'Empereur Napoléon, M. de Caulaincourt, Duc de Vicence, &c.; M. le Maréchal Ney, Prince de la Moskwa, &c.; M. le Maréchal Macdonald, Duc de Tarente, &c.; les plénipotentiaires ci-dessus nommés, après avoir procédé à l'échange de leurs pleins pouvoirs respectifs, sont convenus des articles suivans:

Art. 1. L'Empereur Napoléon renonce pour lui et ses successeurs et descendans, ainsi que pour chacun des membres de sa famille, à tout droit de souveraineté et de domination, tant sur l'empire Français et le royaume d'Italie, que sur tous autres pays.

Art. 2. Leurs Majestés l'Empereur Napoléon et l'Impératrice Marie Louise conserveront ces titres et qualités pour en jouir leur vie durant.

La mère, les frères, sœurs, neveux, et nièces de l'Empereur conserveront également partout où ils se trouveront les titres de Princes de sa famille.

Art. 3. L'Ile d'Elbe, adoptée par sa Majesté l'Empereur Napoléon pour le lieu de son séjour, formera, sa vie durant, une principauté séparée, qui sera possédée par lui en toute souveraineté et propriété.

Il sera donné en outre en toute propriétée à l'Empereur Napoléon un revenu annuel de deux millions de francs en rentes sur le grand livre de France, dont un million reversible à l'Impératrice.

Art. 4. Toutes les Puissances s'engagent à employer leurs bons offices, pour faire respecter par les Barbaresques le pavillon et le territoire de l'Ile d'Elbe, et pour que, dans ses rapports avec les Barbaresques, elle soit assimilée à la France.

Art. 5. Les Duchés de Parme, Plaisance, et Guastalle, seront donnés en toute propriété et souveraineté à sa Majesté l'Impératrice Marie Louise. Ils passeront à son fils et à sa descendance en ligne directe.

Le Prince, son fils, prendra, dés ce moment, le titre de Prince de Parme, Plaisance, et Guastalla.

Art. 6. II sera réservé dans les pays auxquels l'Empereur Napoléon renonce pour lui et sa famille des domaines, ou donné de rentes sur le grand livre de France, produisant un revenu annuel, net, et déduction faite de toutes charges, de deux millions cinq cent mille francs. Ces domaines ou rentes appartiendront en toute propriété, et pour en disposer comme bon leur semblera,aux Princes et Princesses de sa famille, et seront répartis entr'eux de manière à ce que le revenu de chacun soit dans la proportion suivante; savoir,

A Madame Mère, trois cent mille francs;

Au Roi Joseph et à la Reine, cinq cent mille francs;

Au Roi Louis, deux cent mille francs;

A la Reine Hortense et à ses enfans, quatre cent mille francs;

Au Roi Jérome et à la Reine, cinq cent mille francs;

A la Princesse Elise, trois cent mille francs;

A la Princesse Pauline, trois cent mille francs;

Les Princes et Princesses de la famille de l'Empereur Napoléon conserveront en outre, tous les biens meubles et immeubles de quelque nature que ce soit qu'ils possèdent à titre particulier, et notamment les rentes dont ils jouissent (également comme particulier) sur le grand livre de France ou le Monte Napoleone de Milan.

Art. 7. Le traitement annuel de l'Impératrice Joséphine sera réduite à un million en domaines, ou en inscriptions sur le grand livre de France. Elle conti- nuera à jouir, en toute propriété, de tous ses biens meubles et immeubles particuliers, et pourra en disposer conformément aux loix Françaises.

Art. 8. Il sera donné au Prince Eugène, Vice Roi d'Italie, un établissement convenable hors de France.

Art. 9. Les propriétés que sa Majesté l'Empereur Napoléon possède en France, soit comme domaine extraordinaire, soit comme domaine privé, resteroat à la couronne.

Sur les fonds placés par l'Empereur Napoléon soit sur le grand livre, soit sur la banque de France, soit sur les actions des forêts, soit de toute autre manière, et dont sa Majesté fait l'abandon à la Couronne, il sera réservé un capital qui n'excédera pas deux millions pour être employé en gratifications en faveur des personnes qui seront portées sur l'état que signera l'Empereur Napoléon, et qui sera remis au Gouvernement Français.

Art. 10. Tous les diamans de la Couronne resteront à la France.

Art. 11. L'Empereur Napoléon fera retourner au trésor et aux autres caisses publiques toutes les sommes et effets qui en auroient été déplacés par ses ordres, à l'exception de ce qui provient de la liste civile.

Art. 12. Les dettes de la maison de sa Majesté l'Empereur Napoléon, telles qu'elles se trouvent au jour de la signature du présent Traité, seront immédiatement acquittées sur les arrérages dûs par le Trésor public à la liste civile, d'après les états qui seront signés par un Commissaire nommé à cet effet.

Art. 13. Les obligations du Monte Napoleone de Milan envers tous ses créanciers, soit Français, soit étrangers, seront exactement remplies, sans qu'il soit fait aucun changement à cet égard.

Art. 14. On donnera tous les saufs conduits nécessaires pour le libre voyage de sa Majesté l'Empereur Napoléon, de Impératrice, des Princes et Princesses, et de toutes les personnes de leur suite, qui voudront les accompagner ou s'établir hors de France, ainsi que pour le passage de tous les équipages, chevaux et effets qui leur appartiennent.

Les Puissances Alliées donneront en conséquence des officiers et quelques hommes d'escorte.

Art. 15. La Garde Impériale Française fournira un détachement de douze à quinze cents hommes de toute arme pour servir d'escorte jusqu'à Saint Tropez, lieu de l'embarquement.

Art. 16. Il sera fourni une corvette armée, et les bâtimens de transport nécesisaires pour conduire au lieu de sa destination, sa Majesté l'Empereur Napoléon, ainsi que sa Maison: la corvette demeurera en toute propriété à sa Majesté.

Art. 17. Sa Majesté l'Empereur Napoléon pourra amener avec lui, et conserver pour sa garde, quatre cents hommes de bonne volonté, tant officiers que sous-officiers et soldats.

Art. 18. Tous les Français qui auront suivi sa Majesté l'Empereur Napoléon ou sa famille, seront tenus, s'ils ne veulent perdre leur qualité de Français, de rentrer en France dans le terme de trois ans, à moins qu'ils ne soient compris dans les exceptions que le Governement Français se réserve d'accorder après l'expiration de ce terme.

Art. 19. Les troupes Polonaises de toute arme qui sont au service de France, auront la liberté de retourner chez elles, en conservant armes et bagages comme un témoignage de leurs services honorables. Les officiers, sous-officiers, et soldats, conserveront les décorations qui leur ont été accordées, et les pensions affectées à ces décorations.

Art. 20. Les Hautes Puissances Alliées garantissent l'exécution de tous les Articles du présent Traité. Elles s'engagent à obtenir qu'ils soient adoptés et garantis par la France.

Art. 21. Le présent Traité sera ratifié et les Ratifications en seront échangées à Paris dans le terme de deux jours ou plutôt si faire se peat.

Fait à Paris le 11 Avril 1814.

No. 2.—Translation. Treaty between the Allied Powers and the Emperor Napoleon.

Their Majesties the Emperor of Austria, the Emperor of all the Russias, the King of Prussia, stipulating in their own name as well as in that of all their Allies, on one part; and his Majesty the Emperor Napoleon, on the other; having appointed their Plenipotentiaries, namely; his Majesty the Emperor of Austria, the Prince de Metternich, &c.: his Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias, Count de Nesselrode, &c.; his Majesty the King of Prussia, the Baron de Hardenberg, &c.; and his Majesty the Emperor Napoleon, M. Caulaincourt, Duke of Vicenza, &c. Marshal Ney, Prince of Moskwa, &c. Marshal Macdonald, Duke of Tarentum.

The Plenipotentiaries above-mentioned, after having exchanged their respective full powers, have agreed upon the following Articles:

Art. 1. His Majesty the Emperor Napoleon renounces for himself, his successors and descendants, as well as for all the members of his family, all right of sovereignty and dominion, as well to the French empire, and the kingdom of Italy, as over every other country.

Art. 2. Their Majesties the Emperor Napoleon and Maria Louisa shall retain their titles and rank, to be enjoyed during their lives. The mother, the brothers, sisters, nephews and nieces, of the Emperor, shall also retain, wherever they may reside, the titles of princes of his family.

Art. 3. The Isle of Elba, adopted by his Majesty the Emperor Napoleon as the place of his residence, shall form, during his life, a separate principality, which shall be possessed by him in full sovereignty and property; there shall be besides granted, in full property, to the Emperor Napoleon, an annual revenue of 2,000,000 francs, in rent charge, in the great book of France, of which 1,000,000 shall be in reversion to the Empress.

Art. 4. All the Powers engage to employ their good offices to cause to be respected, by the Barbary Powers, the flag and the territory of the Isle of Elba; for which purpose the relations with the Barbary Powers shall be assimilated to those with France.

Art. 5. The Duchies of Parma, Placentia, and Guastalla, shall be granted in full property and sovereignty to her Majesty the Empress Maria Louisa; they shall pass to her son, and to his descendants in the right line. The Prince her son shall from henceforth take the title of Prince of Parma, Placentia and Guastalla.

Art. 6. There shall be reserved, in the territories hereby renounced, to his Majesty the Emperor Napoleon, for himself and his family, domains or rent charges in the great book of France, producing a revenue clear of all deductions and charges of 2,500,000 francs. These domains or rents shall belong in full property, and to be disposed of as they shall think fit, to the Princes and Princesses of his family, and shall be divided among them in such a manner, that the revenue of each shall be in the following proportion, viz.:

To Madame, Mother 300,000
To King Joseph and his Queen 500,000
To King Louis 200,000
To the Queen Hortense and to her children 400,000
To King Jerome and his Queen 500,000
To the Princess Eliza 300,000
To the Princess Paulina 300,000

The Princes and Princesses of the House of the Emperor Napoleon shall retain, besides, their property, moveable and immoveable of whatever nature it may be, which they shall possess by individual or public right, and the rents of which they shall enjoy (also as individuals) in the great book of France, or in the Monte Napoleone of Milan.

Art. 7. The annual pension of the Empress Josephine shall be reduced to 1,000,000, in domains or in inscriptions in the great book of France; she shall continue to enjoy, in full property, all her private property, moveable and immoveable, with power to dispose of it conformable to the French laws.

Art 8. There shall be granted to Prince Eugene, Viceroy of Italy, a suitable establishment out of France.

Art. 9. The property which his Majesty the Emperor Napoleon possesses in France, either as extraordinary domain, or as private domain, shall remain attached to the Crown. Of the funds placed by the Emperor, either in the great book of France, in the bank of France, in the Actions des Forêts, or in any other manner, and which his Majesty abandons to the Crown, there shall be reserved a capital which shall not exceed 2,000,000, with a view of being expended in gratifications in favour of persons, whose names shall be contained in a list to be signed by the Emperor Napoleon, and which shall be transmitted to the French Government.

Art. 10. All the crown diamonds shall remain in France.

Art. 11. His Majesty the Emperor Napoleon shall return to the treasury and to the other public chests, all the sums and effects that shall have been taken out by his orders, with the exception of what has been appropriated from the civil list.

Art. 12. The debts of the household of his majesty the Emperor Napoleon, such as they were on the day of the signature of the present Treaty, shall be immediately delivered out of the arrears due by the public Treasury to the civil list, according to a list, which shall be signed by a commissioner appointed for that purpose.

Art. 13. The obligation of the Monte Napoleone of Milan, towards all the creditors, whether Frenchmen or foreigners, shall be exactly fulfilled, and no change whatever shall take place in this respect.

Art. 14. There shall be given all the necessary passports for the free passage of his majesty the Emperor Napoleon, or of the Empress, the Princes and Princesses, and all the persons of their suites, who wish to accompany them, or to establish themselves out of France, as well as for the passage of all the equipages, horses, and effects belonging to them. The Allied Powers shall, in consequence, furnish officers and men for escorts.

Art. 15. The French Imperial Guard shall furnish a detachment of from 1,200 to 1,500 men, of all arms, to serve as an escort to the Emperor Napoleon, to St. Tropez, the place of his embarkation.

Art. 16. There shall be furnished a corvette and the necessary transport vessels to convey to the place of his destination his majesty the Emperor Napoleon and his household; and the corvette shall belong, in full property, to his majesty the Emperor.

Art. 17. The Emperor Napoleon shall be allowed to take with him and retain as his guard, 400 men, volunteers, as well officers, as sub-officers and soldiers.

Art. 18. All Frenchmen who shall have followed the Emperor Napoleon or his family, shall be held to have forfeited their rights as such by not returning to France within three years; unless they or he be comprised in the exceptions which the French Government reserves to itself to grant after the expiration of that term.

Art. 19. The Polish troops of all arms, in the service of France, shall be at liberty to return home, and shall retain their arms and baggage, as a testimony of their honourable services. The officers, sub-officers, and, soldiers, shall retain the decorations which have been granted to them, and the pensions annexed to those decorations.

Art. 20. The high Allied Powers guarantee the execution of all the articles of the present Treaty, and engage to obtain that it shall be adopted and guaranteed by France.

Art. 21. The present Act shall be ratified, and the ratifications exchanged at Paris, within two days, or sooner, if possible.

Done at Paris, the 11th of April, 1814.

No. 3.—Viscount Castlereagh to Earl Bathurst.

Paris, April 27, 1814.

My Lord:—I have the honour to transmit to your lordship an act which I have this day executed here, containing the accession of Great Britain to certain parts of the Treaty lately concluded with respect to the family and person of Napoleon Buonaparté.—I am, with great truth and regard, &c. CASTLEREAGH.

(Inclosure in No. 3.)

Whereas their imperial and royal majesties, the Emperor of Austria, king, of Hungary and Bohemia, the Emperor of all the Russias, and the King of Prussia, have entered into a Treaty, concluded at Paris, on the 11th April of the present year, for the purpose of granting, for such respective periods as in the said Treaty are mentioned, to the person and family of Napoleon Buonaparté, the possession in sovereignty of the island of Elba, and the duchies of Parma, Placentia, and Guastalla, and for other purposes; which Treaty has been communicated to the Prince Regent of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, by the ministers of their imperial and royal majesties the Emperor of Austria, king of Hungary and Bohemia, the Emperor of all the Russias, and the King of Prussia; who, in the name of their respective sovereigns, have jointly invited the Prince Regent to accede to the same, in the name and on the behalf of his Majesty:

His royal highness the Prince Regent, having full knowledge of the contents of the said Treaty, accedes to the same, in the name and on the behalf of his Majesty, as far as respects the stipulations relative to the possession in sovereignty of the island of Elba, and also of the duchies of Parma, Placentia, and Guastalla. But his Royal Highness is not to be considered, by this Act of Accession, to have become a party, in the name of his Majesty, to any of the other provisions and stipulations contained therein.

Given under my hand and seal, at Paris, this 27th day of April, 1814. By command of his royal highness the Prince Regent, acting in the name and on the behalf of his Majesty.