HC Deb 26 April 1814 vol 27 c545
Mr. Lockhart

presented a Petition, signed by upwards of 7,000 masters and journeymen carpenters and joiners, residing in various parts of England, against a Petition laid on the table of the House, on a former occasion, by the right hon. George Rose, which prayed certain alterations in the 5th of Elizabeth, materially affecting the interests of the present petitioners. The petitioners also stated their conviction of the necessity of a seven years apprenticeship, in all trades involving art and mystery; and that such a service was essential to the improvement and prosperity of the arts and manufactures; of Great Britain. The hon. gentleman then went on to state, that the principles by which the trade of the carpenters bad been regulated were of such a nature, that it would be injurious to their interests if they were altered or subverted; which, they conceived, would be the case if the 5th of Elizabeth, were altered in the way proposed.—The Petition was ordered to lie upon the table.