HC Deb 26 April 1814 vol 27 cc545-6
Mr. Peel

said, the object of the Bill which he meant to introduce was, to enable the governors of the Foundling Hospital in Dublin to limit the reception of children into that Hospital to a certain time of the year. The ground upon which the Bill was introduced was, the great mortality that occurred from bringing infants to the Hospital at inclement seasons of the year. It occurred, that in one year infants to the number of 180 were rendered incapable of swallowing from the badness of the season at which they were brought to the Hospital. His object was, to limit their reception to a certain period of the year. He should therefore move for leave to bring in a Bill to amend the several Acts respecting the Foundling Hospital in Ireland.

Sir John Newport

had not heard of the mortality alluded to; but he was not prepared to give an opinion upon the subject.

Leave was then given to bring in the Bill. It was read a first time, and ordered to be read a second time on Thursday next.