HC Deb 16 December 1812 vol 24 cc315-6

Treasury Chambers, Dec. 15, 1812.

My lords; the Chancellor of the Exchequer having laid before the Lords Commissioners of his Majesty's Treasury, your lordships' letter of the 11th instant, stating, "that as it is understood, from the discussions which have taken place in the House of Commons, on the subject of the public revenue, that the expences of the ensuing year will probably exceed those of the present year, your lordships think it right, in explanation to your letter to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, to inform my lords, that if in any year during the present war the net profits of the several fees and salaries received in your lordships' offices in the Exchequer, should exceed those of the current year, it is your lordships' intention in every such year to pay, as your voluntary contributions to the public, in addition to the one-third of your profits, as stated in the said letter of the 21st ult, the whole of such excess beyond the net receipts of the present year;" I have it in command from my lords, to acknowledge the receipt of your lordships said letter, communicating your intention still further to extend your public spirited and patriotic contribution to the expences of the war, and to request that your lordships will be pleased to pursue the same course with regard to this excess as with respect to the original contribution. I am, my lords, &c.