HC Deb 16 December 1812 vol 24 c315

The Chancellor of the Exchequer lays before the Board, a letter, of this day's date, which he has received from the marquisses of Buckingham and Camden, as follows:

"Sir; as it is understood, from the discussions that have taken place in the House of Commons, on the subject of the public revenue, that the expences of the ensuing year will probably exceed those of the present, we think it right, in explanation of the letter which we had the honour of addressing to you on the 20th of November last, to state, for the information of the Lords Commissioners of his Majesty's Treasury, that if in any year during the present war, the net profits of the several fees and salaries received in our offices in the Exchequer, should exceed those of the current year, it is our intention, in every such year, to pay, as our voluntary contribution to the public, in addition to the one-third of our profits, as stated in that letter, the whole of such excess beyond the net receipt" of the present year."

My lords read their Minute of the 24th November last, and the letter written to the marquisses of Buckingham and Camden in pursuance thereof.

My lords are pleased to direct, that letters be written to the marquisses Buckingham and Camden, respectively, acknowledging the receipt of this communication, and of their intention still further to extend their public spirited and patriotic contribution to the expences of the war, and requesting that they will be pleased to pursue the same course with regard to this excess, as with respect to the original contribution.