Mr. Secretary Canningshortly after presented to the house by his majesty's command, a Copy of the Convention between his majesty and the king of Sweden: viz.
CONVENTION BETWEEN HIS MAJESTY AND THE KING OF SWEDEN, signed at Stockholm on the 18th of February, 1808. " The consequences of the Treaty of Tilsit between Russia and France unfolding themselves more and more in such a manner as to threaten Sweden with a speedy invasion, for the purpose of forcing her to accede to the French system; and his Swedish majesty finding himself therefore under the necessity of bringing forward, to resist its effects, a greater force than he has at his ordinary disposal, his Britannic majesty, animated with the constant desire of contributing to the defence and security of his ally, and of supporting him by every means in a war undertaken for the mutual interests of both states, has determined to give to his Swedish majesty an immediate aid in money, as being the most prompt and efficacious, to be paid from time to time at fixed periods; and their majesties having judged it expedient, that a formal Convention with regard to their reciprocal intentions in this respect, should be concluded, they have, for this purpose, named and authorised their respective plenipotentiaries ; that is to say.—In the name and on the part of his majesty the king of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Edward Thornton, esq. his envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to his majesty the king of Sweden; and in the name and on the part of his majesty 1055 the king of Sweden, the Baron d'Ehrenheim, president of his chancery, and commander of his order of the polar star, who, after having communicated to each other their respective full powers, have agreed upon the following articles:—Art. 1. His majesty the king of the united kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, engages that there shall be paid to his majesty the king of Sweden, the sum of 1,200,000l. in equal instalments of 100,000l. sterling each per month, beginning with the month of January of the present year inclusively, and to continue successively in the course of each month, the first of which instalments shall be paid on the ratification of the present convention by his Swedish majesty. H. His majesty the king of Sweden, engages on his part to employ the said sum in putting into motion and keeping on a respectable establishment, all his land forces, and such part as shall be necessary of his fleets, and particularly his flotilla, in order to oppose the most effectual resistance to the common enemies. III. Their said majesties moreover engage to conclude no peace or truce, or convention of neutrality with the enemy, but in concert and by mutual agreement. IV. The present Convention shall be ratified by the two high contracting parties, and its ratifications shall be exchanged at London within the space of six weeks after the signature of the said Convention, or sooner if it can be done. In faith whereof, we the undersigned plenipotentiaries of their said majesties, have signed the present Convention, and have caused the seal of our arms to he affixed thereto. Done at Stockholm, the 8th of Feb. in the year of redemption, 1808. EDW. THORNTON. F. EHRENREIM.
Separate Article.—The two high contracting parties have agreed to concert, as soon as possible, the measures to be taken, and the auxiliary succours to be stipulated for, in the case of a war actually taking place between Sweden and the Powers her neighbours; and the stipulations which may thence result shall be considered as separate and additional Articles to this Convention, and shall have the same force as if they were word for word inserted therein. In faith of which, we the under. signed Plenipotentiaries of their said majesties, have signed this Separate Article, and have caused the seal of our arms to affixed,thereto. Done at Stockholm, the 8th of Feb. in the year of redemption, 1808. EDW. THORNTON. F. EHRENHEIM,"