HC Deb 26 January 1808 vol 10 c109

No. VIII.—Letter from Mr. Secretary Canning to the prince de Starhemberg, dated Jan. 13, 1808.

Sir, Having received information that Mr. Adair has actually quitted Vienna, in consequence of an intimation from the Austrian government; I have the honour of requesting that you will have the goodness to acquaint me what is the latest date, at which you have reason to believe that Mr. Adair was still at Vienna. I have, &c. GEORGE CANNING.

No. 9.—Note from the prince de Starhemberg to Mr. Secretary Canning, dated London, Jan. 13, 1808.

In answer to the note which the undersigned has just received from his excellency the secretary of state, he has the honour to inform his excellency, that the last dispatches which he has received from his court, were of the 30th of October, and that no mention was made in them of the departure of Mr. Adair. The undersigned &c. LOUIS, PRINCE DE STARHEMBERG.

No. X.—Note from Mr. Secretary Canning to the prince de Starhemberg, dated Jan. 13, 1808.

The undersigned, his majesty's principal secretary of state for foreign affairs, has the honour to inclose to the prince de Starhemberg, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary from his majesty the emperor of Austria, the passports which he has demanded for himself and for the Austrian mission at this court; having it at the same time in command from the king his master, to express his majesty's deep regret, that the circumstances of the time, and the orders of his court, should have imposed on the prince de Starhemberg the necessity of demanding them.—The undersigned &c. GEORGE CANNING.