Lord Howickmoved the reading of the order for the second reading of the mutiny bill on Tuesday next, with a view, as the noble lord stated, to move the postponement of this order to a future day. The propriety of this postponement in the absence of his right hon. friend (Mr. Windham) would, he had no doubt, be readily admitted. But there were other objects which rendered further delay necessary, in order to afford time for the preparation of some additional clauses which it was intended to bring forward. It would be remembered by many members, that in the year 1793, a clause was inserted in the 932 Irish mutiny bill, allowing catholics to hold a certain rank in the army, and this clause it was now proposed to make general. It was also proposed that all catholics in the army should be allowed the free exercise of their religion. This was, no doubt, the practice already; but it was understood that it would afford much more satisfaction if it were made the law. In addition to these there were other clauses of less moment which it was proposed to submit to the house. Such were the reasons which urged the noble lord to move a further postponement of this measure.
Mr. Yorkeasked, whether it was likely that the discussion would be brought forward upon the day mentioned by the noble lord, or whether it would be postponed any further?
Lord Howicksaw no reason to apprehend that any farther delay would be necessary. The noble lord moved, that the order for the second reading of this bill should be fixed for Tuesday se'nnight.—Ordered accordingly.