This day the following members were chosen by ballot to try the merits of the Downpatrick election :—R. P. Scudamore, esq. B. Cook, esq. W. M. Pitt, esq. hon. W. Howard, D. Giddy, esq. A Strahan, esq. lord Althorpe, F. J. Wilder, esq. D. P. Coke, esq. hon. C. Herbert, J. Wharton, esq. hon. W. Broderick, Thos. Kemp, esq. nominees, H. Martin, esq. C. W. Wynne, esq.—Mr. Grenville (from the commissioners for executing the office of lord high admiral) acquainted the house, that their lordships having judged it expedient that captain sir Home Popham should be tried by a court martial for having quitted the Cape of Good Hope, for the purpose of attacking the Spanish settlements in the Rio de la Plata, without having received any direction or authority whatever for that purpose, had accordingly issued their warrant to the marshal of the high court of admiralty for taking him into custody; that, as captain sir Home Popham is a member of this house, their lordships had thought it a respect due to the house, to inform them of his commitment, and to lay before them a copy of the warrant, by virtue of which he is now in custody. And Mr. Grenville delivered in at the table, a copy of the warrant to the marshal of the admiralty, 931 to take into his custody the said captain sir Home Popham: and the said copy was read. Ordered, that what Mr. Grenville hath now communicated to the house, and also the said copy, be entered in the journal of this house.—The house having, upon the motion of sir J. Newport, resolved into a committee of ways and means, the .right hon. bart. proposed a resolution for discontinuing certain duties, and enacting others in their room. He read over a list of new duties which he proposed to impose, namely, upon every man whose house and land was above the value of 4l. per annum, and less than 7l. one shilling and sixpence a year; if more than 7l. and less than 10l., two shillings, if not liable to the hearth tax; if more than 10l. and less than 40l,. three-pence in the pound; and for every pound above 40l., four-pence in the pound, if not liable to the window tax. He also stated his proposed scale of taxation upon windows and hearths, and concluded with observing, that it was the intention in all matters of personal taxation to make bachelors pay double as much as married men. Upon the paper manufactory the right hon. baronet proposed to impose a tax according to the number of vats used by the manufacturer, instead of mills, which were heretofore the criteria, and which had led to a great loss of revenue. There were several duties heretofore annual, which the right hon. baronet announced his intention of proposing to be made permanent. In answer to a question from colonel Barry, the right hon. baronet stated, that an increased tax upon horses was meant to be imposed upon those who had four or more horses, unless for purposes of agriculture, but that the increase was not to go lower.—The resolution was then agreed to.