HC Deb 18 February 1807 vol 8 cc849-50
.Mr. Hobhouse

reported from the committee of the whole house, to whom it was referred to consider of the several acts relating to the Drawbacks and Bounties on Sugar exported; and also, of an act made in the 43d of his present majesty, for granting to his majesty, until 12 months after the ratification of the definitive treaty of peace, certain additional duties of excise in Great Britain, the Resolutions which the committee had directed him to report to the house, which are as follows, viz. 1. "That it is the opinion of this committeee, that a Bounty of 10s. be allowed for every hundred weight of all double refined Sugar exported from Great Britain, over and above the bounty allowable on the exportation of refined Sugar in loaf complete and whole, and lump duly refined. 2. That whenever it shall appear by notice in the London Gazette, that the average prices of Brown or Muscovado Sugar for the preceding quarter of the year, taken in manner directed by an act of the 32d of his present Majesty, shall not have exceeded 40s. for an hundred weight, exclusive of the duties of customs paid or payable thereon, on the importation into Great Britain, then, and in every such case, there shall be paid and allowed a Bounty of 2s. for every hundred weight of Sugar the produce of the British Plantations exported from Great Britain; and if, by such notice as aforesaid, it shall appear that the said average prices of Brown or Muscovado Sugar shall have been at or above the price of 40s. and shall be under 45s. for an hundred weight, then, and in every such case, there shall be paid and allowed a bounty of one shilling for every hundred weight of such Sugar exported as aforesaid. 3. That the bounties now payable on the exportation of sugar and sugar candy be allowed on depositing the same in warehouse for exportation. 4. That it is the opinion of this committee, that an additional duty of 2s. 6d. be charged upon every gallon of foreign brandy, spirits, aqua vitæ, or strong waters (other than rum, spirits, or aqua vitæ of the produce of the British colonies or plantations in America), imported into Great Britain, or taken out of any warehouse in which the same may have been secured for home consumption. 5. That an additional duty of 1s. be charged upon every gallon of foreign brandy, spirits, aqua vitæ, or strong waters (other than rum, spirits, or aqua vitæ, of the produce of the British colonies or plantations in America), imported into Great Britain and exported therefrom, or taken out of any warehouse in which the same may have been secured for exportation to parts beyond the seas (except to Ireland)." The three first Resolutions being read a second time, were agreed to by the house. The subsequent Resolutions were postponed.