The house having resolved it- 851 self into a committee of Ways and Means,
§ Lord Henry Petty ,conformably with his notice of yesterday, moved the following Resolutions, 1. "That towards raising the supply granted to his majesty, an additional duty of 2s. 6d. be charged upon every gallon of foreign brandy, spirits, aqua vitæ, or strong waters (other than rum, spirits, or aqua vitæ, of the produce of the British colonies or plantations in America), imported into Great Britain, or taken out of any warehouse in. which the same may have been secured for home consumption. 2. That an additional duty of 1s. be charged upon every gallon of foreign brandy, spirits, aqua vitæ, or strong waters (other than rum, spirits, or aqua vitæ, of the produce of the British colonies or plantations in America), imported into Great Britain, and exported therefrom, or taken out of any warehouse in which the same may have been secured for exportation to parts beyond the seas, (except to Ireland). 3. That the said duties shall be charged on all foreign brandy, spirits, aqua vitæ, or strong waters, for which all the duties charged or chargeable thereon shall not have been paid on or before the 19th day of February, 1807."
Mr. Roseobserved, that, the duly on brandy was at present 13s. 6d. per gallon, and would by this additional duty be raised to 16s.; that the original cost was but 2s. 6d. per gallon, and that such a high duty, compared with the prime cost of the article, would become an extreme temptation to smuggling, and would not operate as any material relief to the West India trade. Besides, he did not think the regulations for the prevention of smuggling would be as effectual as was expected.
§ Lord H. Pettystated, that the system of rewards to vigilant and active revenue officers, would have a very beneficial effect, and that the West India merchants were of opinion, that the addition to the duty on foreign spirits would afford them relief.
§ General Gascoynewas of opinion, that this additional duty on brandy continued, with the preference to be given by the public boards to the consumption of rum, would be of material assistance to the West India trade.—The resolutions were then agreed to.