HC Deb 07 August 1807 vol 9 c1072
Mr. Bankes ,

in consequence of the notice he had given, rose to submit a motion, which he thought necessary as a preliminary step towards any proceeding which the house should think proper to adopt, with respect to the measure founded on a resolution of that house, which had been rejected in the other. The only way of bringing the rejection of the bill to prevent grants of Offices in Reversion in the upper house, before the view of this house, would be to appoint a committee to inspect the lords' Journals, as to what had been done there with respect to that bill. That Committee might report to-morrow, and on the report he should found a motion which be would submit to the house on Monday. He accordingly moved, "that a committee be appointed to inspect the Journals of the house of lords, with relation to the bill sent from this house to the lords, intituled, An Act to prohibit the granting of Offices in Reversion, or for joint lives, with benefit of survivorship; and to make report thereof to the house." A committee was appointed accordingly.