HC Deb 19 May 1806 vol 7 cc252-3
Lord Temple

stated, that this bill for regulating the intercourse of our West-India colonies with America, had been sent down from the lords in such a shape as to prevent its being entertained by the house. He should therefore now propose, that it be read a first time, pro formâ, with the design of bringing in another bill in its room, not liable to the same objections.—The bill was then read a first time, and, on the motion of lord Temple, ordered to be read a second time on that day three months. The noble lord then moved for leave to bring in a bill for similar purposes, and also that this motion be referred to the consideration of a committee of the whole house.

Mr. Rose

said, that he considered the proposed bill as of the highest importance with regard to its effects on the commerce and navigation of the country. He looked upon it as neither more nor less than a repeal of the navigation act. It was a matter highly interesting to the mercantile interest; and he trusted that sufficient time would be allowed them to consider it, and oppose it, if they Should think proper. He implored ministers not to adopt such a measure without proper enquiry.

Lord Temple

replied, that he had no objection to, any delay being allowed that might seem reasonable; and after a few words from lord H. Petty, the motion for leave to bring in a new bill on the subject was ordered to be referred to a committee of the whole house the next day.

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