HC Deb 24 March 1806 vol 6 c524
Sir Samuel Romilly ,

the new Solicitor-General, took the oaths and his seat.—Mr. Johnson, from the office of the Chief Secretary of Ireland, presented at the bar, an Account of the Consolidated Fund of Ireland, with the Charges, Payments, and Surplus, for the year 1805.—Mr. Irving, the Inspector-General of Exports and Imports, presented at the bar an Account of the Exports and Imports for 18 years, ending Feb. 1806.—Mr. Cooke from the exchequer, presented at the bar, an Account of all interest paid on exchequer bills, in the years 1803, 4, 5, and the average thereof.—Sir P. Stephens moved, for an account of the sums of money that have been issued by the Commissioners of the Navy, under the 43d of the king, for the discovery of the Longitude.—On the motion of Mr. Windham, the bill for regulating the Commerce of the Cape of Good Hope passed through a committee.—The Secretary at War presented, pursuant to order of the house, an Abstract of the total number of men raised under the Additional Force Act.—Mr. Brooke put off his motion relative to the Contracts for supplying the Navy with Spirits until Monday, as he had reason to suppose that the attention of government was directed to that subject, and that measures might be adopted in consequence, which would render it unnecessary for him to bring forward the motion.—Mr. Grey gave notice, that he should to-morrow move that the thanks of the house be given to admiral sir John Duckworth, and also to the officers, seamen, and marines of his squadron, for their gallant and signal services, by the total destruction of a division of the enemy's fleet in the late brilliant action in St. Domingo Bay.—Lord Temple, with a view to the preparation of some clauses that should remove any objections that existed against the bill for establishing a free port in the Island of Tortola, proposed that the committee on that bill should be deferred to Monday next. After a few observations from Mr. Rose and lord Temple the committee on the bill was put off accordingly.—The Irish Common Land Partition bill was read a third time, and passed.—Mr. Hawthorn brought up the report of the 10,500,000l. Exchequer Bills bill; also of 1,500,000l. Bills bill, which were severally agreed to.—On the motion of Mr. Vansittart, the Excise Expiring Law bill, and the Felons Transportation bill, were read a third time and passed.—Mr. Wellesley Pole, pursuant to his notice, rose to move for the production of certain papers relative to the Affairs of India. His object was to bring the whole of the question before the house, as the papers already moved for could afford but a partial view of it. The papers he should move for, were contained in three distinct lists: 1st, Such as related to the Mogul; 2d, Those relating to Bhurtpore; and 3d, Those relating to the war with Holkar. He had submitted his motions to the consideration of the board, on the part of whom no objection was felt to the production of the papers he was to call for. It was therefore unnecessary for him to take up more of the time of the house than by moving, &c. The motions, which were for several letters of different dates, on and after the 31st of May, 1805, from the late governor-general of India to the Secret Committee of the Court of Directors, together with their inclosures, were then put and agreed to.—On the question that there be laid before the house a copy of a letter from lord Lake to marquis Cornwallis, dated Sept. 2, 1805, relative to the reduction of the irregular troops, by order of marquis Wellesley, Mr. Francis asked, whether the papers then moved for comprised all the documents on the subject of the irregular troops? Mr. Pole replied, that they comprised all he thought necessary for his purpose. He was not aware of any others requisite to bring the question fully before the house, but if any other gentleman should be of a different opinion, he could have no objection to agree to any motion that might be made for the production of such further papers as should be deemed necessary.