A new Writ was ordered for the county of Kilkenny, in the room of the right hon. W. Brabazon Ponsonby, now lord Ponsonby.—Mr. Bond, took the oaths and his seat.—The Scotch Creditors' bill was read a 3d time and passed.—The Customs Expiring Laws bill, the Excise Expiring Laws bill, and the Felons' Transportation bill, were severally read a 2d time.—Mr. Vansittart moved, that there be laid before the house an estimate of the,sum wanted to discharge the interest of the Exchequer bills that might be paid off in the course of the year 1806.—The 10,500,000l. Exchequer Bills bill was read a first time.—Mr. Williams, from the Commissioners of Naval Enquiry, presented an Account of the Expences incurred by that Board for each year, since the period of its institution.