Mr. Stannifordpresented a petition from the maltsters of Kingston-upon-Hull, praying to be relieved from certain embarrassments under the existing malt laws.—Mr. W. Dundas presented the Scotch Creditors' bill, which was read a first time.—Mr. W. Keene moved that there be laid before the house a copy of the commission under which the commissioners for liquidating the debts of the nabob of Arcot acted. Mr. H. Addington had no objection to the production of the paper in question, but suggested the propriety of postponing the motion till Monday, when the committee moved for by his. noble friend (lord Morpeth), would have this business fully before them, and when the commission would of course be produced. Mr. Keene maintained that it was necessary that the house should be in possession of the commission before going into the committee. The motion, however, was negatived—Lord Collingwood's Annuity bill was read a 3d time and passed. —The Mutiny bill, Militia Pay bill, Militia Subalterns bill, Militia Adjutants bill, and Irish Militia Pay bill, went through committees, and were ordered to be reported to-morrow.—Mr. Vansittart brought in a bill for continuing the act of the 44th of the king, enabling his majesty to accept of the service of such part of the militia of Ireland as voluntarily offered themselves to 428 be employed in Great Britain, which was read a first time.