HC Deb 06 June 1806 vol 7 c523

Lord Muncaster took the oaths, and his seat for the county of Westmoreland, in the room of sir Michael Le Fleming, deceased. — A message from the lords acquainted the house, that the lords had agreed to the Irish First Fruits bill, the Irish Revenue Collection bill, and the Irish Malt Duty Regulation bill, without any amendment.— On the motion of Mr. Vansittart, there was ordered to be laid before the house, a report of the experiments made to ascertain the comparative strength of malt, barley, and bigg, in Scotland. He then brought up the report, and on account of the accuracy and importance of the experiments which it detailed, moved, that the report be printed; which was ordered accordingly.— Mr. Hobhouse brought up the report of the committee of the whole house, containing certain resolutions respecting duties on distillers in Scotland, and a bill was ordered to be brought in accordingly.— Mr. Hobhouse brought up the report on the Dublin Paving bill, and the bill was ordered to be read a third time on Monday next.