§ Lord Henry Pettyrose, and stated, that a very general misconception prevailed as to the 514 exemptions to be allowed to persons having small incomes and large families. The measure which he intended to propose on that subject, was completely distinct from the Property tax; and his object was to frame it in such a manner, that it should not be liable to the same objections as exemptions under the property tax. He might not have been misunderstood in that house; but a wrong impressiom had been conveyed to the public by other channels. It was painful to him to be misconceived on this point; and he now stated the matter again, in hopes that the wrong impression would be done away. The proposed relief would be afforded on a footing entirely distinct, and not liable to the objections which had been stated against any farther exemptions to be afforded under the Property tax.
§ Lord H. Pettywas not prepared to state precisely; but the relief would be, at least, partly on the Assessed taxes, and would be in proportion of all children above two.
§ Mr. Wilberforcestated his satisfaction at this proposed regulation.