HC Deb 03 June 1806 vol 7 cc514-5
Sir J. Newport

rose with peculiar satisfaction on the present occasion; as he was convinced it would be sufficient merely to state the measure, of which he had given notice, to ensure the full concurrence of the house. This measure, in which he was supported by the authority of his majesty's ministers, went to lay open the intercourse in grain between Great Britain and Ireland; and, he trusted, it would be merely a prelude to that free interchange of every other commodity between the two countries, which was so much to be desired. With regard to grain, an article of the first necessity, there could be no doubt that one part of the united kingdom should assist another whenever occasion demanded it; and the only way of preventing an undue rise in the price of the commodity in any part of the country was, to remove every limit and obstruction in the way of its interchange. The measure, which he should propose, would place all the ports of the united kingdom exactly on the same footing, with regard to importation or exportation, as the different ports of Great Britain were at present, with regard to one another. It was earnestly to be wished, that the union between the two countries should become every day more close; and that the channel which divided them should no longer be considered as a barrier, but as a bond of union, and the medium of mutual and beneficial intercourse.—He then moved for leave to bring in a bill, for making the Intercourse in Grain, between Great Britain and Ireland, free and unrestrained.

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