The Attorney-General,pursuant to notice, rose for the purpose of moving for leave to bring in a bill for encouraging the residence of Stipendiary Curates on their cures. The bill was the same as one which had already received the sanction of the house, though from its having had, when it passed before, a clause in it for making provisions for such curates as should be deprived of their curacies by the effect of the rectors' residence bill, it had been considered in the other house as a money bill, and on that ground rejected. His learned friend (sir William Scott) who had introduced that bill, had since brought forward another without the exceptionable clauses, but had been prevented, by, his professional duties, from attending to its progress. The same cause still prevented him from bringing forward the measure, and in consequence the duty had devolved on him. His object was not to alter the laws as they stand at present with respect to livings under 400l, per annum, the bishops having power to enforce a residence; but when the living exceeded that sum, he thought there could be no objection to a clause for obliging the rector to provide a resident clergyman, with a salary of 200l. a year. He therefore moved for leave to bring in a bill to encourage the residence of stipendiary curates on their cures.
§ Sir. John Newportexpressed his hopes that Ireland would not be excluded from the benefit of the act proposed, as there was no other part of the empire where the 511 regular residence of the parochial clergy was more wanted. Those who were apt to complain of the increase of one religion, and the decrease of anther, should consider the effect produced in that part the United Kingdom, by the suspension of those parochial duties.
The Chancellor of the Exchequersaid he understood that provisions to the effect alluded to would be made in the bill proposed to be brought in by an hon. and learned gent. (Dr. Duigenan).
§ Mr. P. Moorehoped it was meant to make the duty of residence mandatory on the clergy.
§ Mr. Creeveyapprehended that the intended provision to curates was rather too limited.
The Attorney-Generalagreed with sir J. Newport, that if there was any soundness of principle in the bill, it applied with equal strength to Ireland as it did to England; but he possessed too little local information respecting that country, to undertake such a measure of himself; and he had heard it argued, on a former occasion, that it would be too hard to compel curates to reside in parishes where no residence was appropriated to them.
Dr. Duigenansaid, that the bill he had the honour to move for would embrace the objects alluded to by the hon. bart.—Leave was given to bring in the bill.