Sir T. Metoulfmoved the second reading of the Pancras Poor bill, which, he observed, was for the purpose of remedying the defects in the act passed last session. If any objections were made to any parts of the bill, these, he observed, could be rectified when it was referred to a committee. His object was to place the parish of St. Pancras on the same footing as the pariah of St. 510 George, Hanover-square, that noblemen and gentlemen should be included among those who conducted the parish concerns.
§ Mr, Calcraft and P. Moorepronounced the bill a mere job, which was abandoned by the members of the county, by whom it was brought in, as it was against the general wish of the parishioners. They also objected to the bill on the grounds that the directors appointed their successors, and even the auditors of their own accounts; and it was a mere job, that ought not to be countenanced by the house of commons. Very great malversation had occurred, which was to come the ensuing term before the King's. Bench;. and therefore the house, they had no doubt, would not entertain the present bill.—The house then divided for the second reading, Ayes 42—Noes 30. The bill was their read a second time, and was ordered to be committed.