HC Deb 09 March 1804 vol 1 c822
Mr. Faster

said, that some days ago he mentioned a matter of serious moment to Ireland, which was, an apparent breach of faith of Parliament with the militia of Ireland. In November the militia were embodied in Ireland by order of the lord-lieutenant they were embodied by the existing law; by that law each militiaman who provided for his relatives was to have so per week for his wife, and is for his father, mother, or child, who were to be maintained by him. In August following, tin's law was repealed, by which these as were reduced to is. The militia had been embodied under the faith of the first, and no compensation was give to them for the reduction: this was a breach of faith, at which the militia murmured very much. He had letters informing him of much discontent upon this occasion, nor would he be answerable for the consequences, if some measure was not taken; and if taken at all, it must be taken before the assizes, which are now approaching, otherwise it would be too lare.

Mr. Secretary Yorke

admitted the difficulty stated by the light hon. gent, and he should call the attention of the House to it; but the chief secretary of the lord-lieutenant had brought the bill forward; he had not vet had an opportunity of considering that subject, but in a few days he should come forward with an amendment to that bill, or a separate bill for that purpose.