HC Deb 09 March 1804 vol 1 c823
Mr. Grey.

I wish Sir, to say a very few words, on a subject which appears to me to be of the utmost importance. The attention of the House has this day been necessarily called, by witnessing in the House of Lords an instance of the personal exercise at an Act of Authority from the King.—Sir, the inference naturally drawn from that Act of authority, so exercised, is undoubtedly of the most satisfactory nature. It would indeed be completely satisfactory to me, if were assured by the right hon. the Chancel for of his Exchequer, that that Act was chine in fall health, winch its publicity indicates, and without which such an act of authority ought not to have been exercised, It would have been satisfactory to me if this were not some doubts upon that subject: bat, under all the circumstances, considering what we know from public reports, and comparing them with declarations made in this House and other places, there does appear to me to be some doubt all mystery upon this transaction, which leave on my mind sentiments of considerable uneasiness and apprehension. It would be great relief and satisfaction to me to have this serious apprehension removed by an explicit declaration from the minister; but, if not, the House is placed in a new and awful situation, in which it will be incumbent on ns to think what steps it may be proper for us to take.