HC Deb 16 February 1804 vol 1 cc489-90


At half past three o'clock, the House proceeded to ballot for a committee, to try the merits of the petition complaining of an undue election for Maiden. The members chosen to form the committee, were, Hugh Leicester, Esq.; Ed. Morris, Esq.; William Egerton, Esq.; Hon. Cropley Ashley; Lord George Aug. Henry Cavendish, Marquis of Titchfield; Right Hon. W.Windham; Right Hon. C. Long; Honourable Charles James Fox; Lord Robert Spencer; Henry Bankes; Esq.; J. Sargent, Esq.; N. Vansittart, Esq.—Nominees, Robert Steele, Esq.; Thomas Creevey, Esq.—. Mr. Secretary Yorke said, he was under the necessity of moving to discharge the order which stood for to-morrow for the second reading of the Volunteer Bill, on account of some papers which it would be necessary to lay before the House not being yet printed: he then moved that it should be read a second time on Wednesday next.—The committee on the Marine Mutiny Bill was put off till Monday.—Dr. Duigenan gave notice that he should to-morrow move, for leave to bring in a bill respecting Notaries Public in Dublin, and that on Monday he should move for a bill to regulate the time at which persons maybe admitted to Priests Orders in Ireland.—The committee on the Duke of Yorke's Estate Bill was put off till this day se'nnight.—Adjourned.