HC Deb 16 February 1804 vol 1 c490
Mr. Vansittart

moved the order of the day for the House to resolve itself into a committee to consider of the acts relative to the Greenland Fishery. The House having resolved itsef into a committee, Mr. Vansittart said, that a bounty was always granted to the Owners of ships employed in the Greenland Fishery in time of peace, upon condition of their having a certain number of British seamen on board; this was done with a view to encourage the nursery of British seamen; but in time of war the case was very different, and as it was now expedient that as many men should be got for the royal navy as possible, he should move therefore, that the chairman be directed to move for leave to bring in a bill to enable vessels employed in the Greenland Fishery to complete their number of seamen at different ports during the present season.—The motion was agreed to.

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