HC Deb 14 December 1803 vol 1 cc332-3

A message from the lords informed the house, that their lordships had agreed to the English Bank Restriction Bill, the bills for suspending the Habeas Corpus Act, and authorising trials by martial law in Ireland, the English Promissory Note Bill, the bill for preventing distillation from oats in Ireland, the bill for bonding Portugal wines, the Irish Crop Exportation Bill, the Sugar Drawback Bill, and. the Curates' Relief Bill.—On the motion of Mr. Hobhouse, the Mutiny Bill was read a second lime, and committed for Thursday, the 2d of Feb.—-On the motion of Mr. Corry, the house went into a Committee of Supply, in which 21,6001. Irish currency, being the annual sum, was granted for the service of the trustees of the Linen Board in Ireland. The report was ordered to be received to-morrow and the Committee to set again on Friday—Mr. Vansittart presented an account of the amount of the sums paid for premiums and bounties under the act of 41 George III. for the better supplying the markets of London and Westminster with fish. Ordered to lie on the table.—Lord Henry Petty moved that the Committee, to which the petition of the Sierra Leona Company was referred, have leave to sit no withstanding the adjournment; and also that the said Committee have leave to report their observations. Agreed to.—In answer to Mr. Rose, who wished to know whether there was any report from the naval officers connected with the settlement, Lord Henry Petty stated, that a naval officer, who had been a long time on the station, had been examined before the Committee.