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Legislative reform order: Lords procedure determination Routes

There are 127 routes.

  1. A Route from House resolves against committee procedure recommendation (House of Lords) to LROLPD AG AND

  2. A Route from House resolves against committee procedure recommendation (House of Lords) to LROLPD AI SUM

  3. A Route from House resolves against committee procedure recommendation (House of Lords) to LROLPD AK OR

  4. A Route from House resolves in favour of committee procedure recommendation (House of Lords) to LROLPD AI SUM

  5. A Route from House resolves in favour of committee procedure recommendation (House of Lords) to LROLPD AK OR

  6. A Route from House resolves in favour of committee procedure recommendation (House of Lords) to LROLPD AL OR

  7. A Route from LRO BG Summation to LROLPD AQ AND

  8. A Route from LRO BG Summation to LROLPD AR AND

  9. A Route from LRO BG Summation to LROLPD AS AND

  10. A Route from LROLPD AA AND to LROLPD AB Decision

  11. A Route from LROLPD AA Decision to Government response to procedure recommendation by the Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee (DPRRC) (House of Lords)


  13. A Route from LROLPD AA NOT to LROLPD AA Summation

  14. A Route from LROLPD AA OR to LROLPD AD AND


  16. A Route from LROLPD AA Summation to LROLPD AL AND

  17. A Route from LROLPD AB AND to LROLPD AC Decision

  18. A Route from LROLPD AB Decision to The Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee (DPRRC) agrees the instrument should follow the negative procedure (House of Lords)


  20. A Route from LROLPD AB NOT to LROLPD AB Summation

  21. A Route from LROLPD AB OR to LROLPD AC Summation

  22. A Route from LROLPD AB SUM to LROLPD AA SUM

  23. A Route from LROLPD AB Summation to LROLPD AA AND

  24. A Route from LROLPD AB Summation to LROLPD AB AND

  25. A Route from LROLPD AB Summation to LROLPD AC AND

  26. A Route from LROLPD AB Summation to LROLPD AD AND

  27. A Route from LROLPD AB Summation to LROLPD AE AND

  28. A Route from LROLPD AC AND to LROLPD AD Decision

  29. A Route from LROLPD AC Decision to The Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee (DPRRC) agrees the instrument should follow the affirmative procedure (House of Lords)


  31. A Route from LROLPD AC NOT to LROLPD AF AND

  32. A Route from LROLPD AC SUM to LROLPD AB SUM

  33. A Route from LROLPD AC Summation to LROLPD AG AND

  34. A Route from LROLPD AC Summation to LROLPD AR AND

  35. A Route from LROLPD AD AND to LROLPD AE Decision

  36. A Route from LROLPD AD Decision to The Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee (DPRRC) recommends that the instrument should be upgraded to the affirmative procedure (House of Lords)

  37. A Route from LROLPD AD NOT to LROLPD AD Summation

  38. A Route from LROLPD AD OR to LROLPD AG OR

  39. A Route from LROLPD AD SUM to LROLPD AC SUM

  40. A Route from LROLPD AD Summation to LROLPD AC NOT

  41. A Route from LROLPD AD Summation to LROLPD AG Decision

  42. A Route from LROLPD AD Summation to LROLPD AH Decision

  43. A Route from LROLPD AD Summation to LROLPD AI Decision

  44. A Route from LROLPD AD Summation to LROLPD AJ Decision

  45. A Route from LROLPD AD Summation to LROLPD AQ AND

  46. A Route from LROLPD AD Summation to LROLPD AS AND

  47. A Route from LROLPD AE AND to The Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee (DPRRC) agrees the instrument should follow the super-affirmative procedure (House of Lords)

  48. A Route from LROLPD AE Decision to The Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee (DPRRC) recommends that the instrument should be upgraded to the super-affirmative procedure (House of Lords)


  50. A Route from LROLPD AE Summation to LROLPD AK Decision

  51. A Route from LROLPD AE Summation to LROLPD AL Decision

  52. A Route from LROLPD AF AND to LROLPD AF Decision

  53. A Route from LROLPD AF Decision to Motion to disagree with the procedure recommendation made by the Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee (DPRRC) tabled (House of Lords)

  54. A Route from LROLPD AF NOT to LROLPD AE Summation

  55. A Route from LROLPD AF OR to LROLPD AH OR

  56. A Route from LROLPD AF SUM to LROLPD AE SUM

  57. A Route from LROLPD AG AND to LROLPD AJ Summation

  58. A Route from LROLPD AG Decision to Motion to disagree with the procedure recommendation by the Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee (DPRRC) withdrawn (House of Lords)

  59. A Route from LROLPD AG OR to LROLPD AN AND

  60. A Route from LROLPD AG SUM to LROLPD AF SUM

  61. A Route from LROLPD AG Summation to LROLPD AL OR

  62. A Route from LROLPD AH Decision to Motion to disagree with the procedure recommendation by the Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee (DPRRC) lapsed at end of session (House of Lords)

  63. A Route from LROLPD AH NOT to LROLPD AT AND

  64. A Route from LROLPD AH OR to LROLPD AP AND

  65. A Route from LROLPD AH SUM to LROLPD AG SUM

  66. A Route from LROLPD AH Summation to LROLPD AI AND

  67. A Route from LROLPD AH Summation to LROLPD AK AND

  68. A Route from LROLPD AI AND to LROLPD AK Summation

  69. A Route from LROLPD AI Decision to Motion to disagree with the procedure recommendation by the Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee (DPRRC) not moved (House of Lords)

  70. A Route from LROLPD AI OR to House of Lords agrees to the affirmative procedure (House of Lords)


  72. A Route from LROLPD AI Summation to LROLPD AH OR

  73. A Route from LROLPD AJ Decision to Motion to disagree with the procedure recommendation by the Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee (DPRRC) not called (House of Lords)

  74. A Route from LROLPD AJ OR to House of Lords agrees to the super-affirmative procedure (House of Lords)

  75. A Route from LROLPD AJ Summation to LROLPD AD OR

  76. A Route from LROLPD AJ Summation to LROLPD AF OR

  77. A Route from LROLPD AK AND to LROLPD AJ OR

  78. A Route from LROLPD AK Decision to House resolves against committee procedure recommendation (House of Lords)

  79. A Route from LROLPD AK OR to LROLPD AH NOT

  80. A Route from LROLPD AK Summation to LROLPD AI OR

  81. A Route from LROLPD AL AND to LROLPD AI Summation

  82. A Route from LROLPD AL Decision to House resolves in favour of committee procedure recommendation (House of Lords)

  83. A Route from LROLPD AL OR to LROLPD AH Summation

  84. A Route from LROLPD AL Summation to LROLPD AI OR

  85. A Route from LROLPD AM Decision to Question put on motion to disagree with the procedure recommendation made by the Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee (DPRRC) (House of Lords)

  86. A Route from LROLPD AN AND to LROLPD AL Summation

  87. A Route from LROLPD AN Decision to Further information published by the Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee (DPRRC) (House of Lords)

  88. A Route from LROLPD AO Decision to Debate on motion to disagree with the procedure recommendation made by the Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee (DPRRC) (House of Lords)

  89. A Route from LROLPD AP AND to House of Lords agrees to the negative procedure (House of Lords)

  90. A Route from LROLPD AQ AND to LROLPD AM Decision

  91. A Route from LROLPD AR AND to LROLPD AF AND

  92. A Route from LROLPD AS AND to LROLPD AO Decision

  93. A Route from LROLPD AT AND to LROLPD AG Summation

  94. A Route from Minister recommends the instrument follow the affirmative procedure to LROLPD AA OR

  95. A Route from Minister recommends the instrument follow the affirmative procedure to LROLPD AB AND

  96. A Route from Minister recommends the instrument follow the affirmative procedure to LROLPD AN AND

  97. A Route from Minister recommends the instrument follow the negative procedure (House of Commons and House of Lords) to LROLPD AA AND

  98. A Route from Minister recommends the instrument follow the negative procedure (House of Commons and House of Lords) to LROLPD AA OR

  99. A Route from Minister recommends the instrument follow the negative procedure (House of Commons and House of Lords) to LROLPD AC AND

  100. A Route from Minister recommends the instrument follow the negative procedure (House of Commons and House of Lords) to LROLPD AP AND

  101. A Route from Minister recommends the instrument follow the super-affirmative procedure (House of Commons and House of Lords) to LROLPD AE AND

  102. A Route from Minister recommends the instrument follow the super-affirmative procedure (House of Commons and House of Lords) to LROLPD AJ OR

  103. A Route from Motion to disagree with the procedure recommendation by the Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee (DPRRC) lapsed at end of session (House of Lords) to LROLPD AF SUM

  104. A Route from Motion to disagree with the procedure recommendation by the Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee (DPRRC) not called (House of Lords) to LROLPD AH SUM

  105. A Route from Motion to disagree with the procedure recommendation by the Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee (DPRRC) not moved (House of Lords) to LROLPD AG SUM

  106. A Route from Motion to disagree with the procedure recommendation by the Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee (DPRRC) withdrawn (House of Lords) to LROLPD AE SUM

  107. A Route from Motion to disagree with the procedure recommendation made by the Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee (DPRRC) tabled (House of Lords) to LROLPD AB EQUALS

  108. A Route from Procedure considered by the Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee (DPRRC) (House of Lords) to LROLPD AA Decision

  109. A Route from Procedure considered by the Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee (DPRRC) (House of Lords) to LROLPD AA EQUALS

  110. A Route from Procedure considered by the Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee (DPRRC) (House of Lords) to LROLPD AA NOT

  111. A Route from Procedure considered by the Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee (DPRRC) (House of Lords) to LROLPD AN Decision

  112. A Route from Procedure determination period ends to LROLPD AG OR

  113. A Route from Procedure determination period ends to LROLPD AL AND

  114. A Route from Procedure determination period ends to LROLPD AT AND

  115. A Route from Question put on motion to disagree with the procedure recommendation made by the Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee (DPRRC) (House of Lords) to LROLPD AC EQUALS

  116. A Route from Question put on motion to disagree with the procedure recommendation made by the Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee (DPRRC) (House of Lords) to LROLPD AH SUM

  117. A Route from The Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee (DPRRC) agrees the instrument should follow the affirmative procedure (House of Lords) to LROLPD AC SUM

  118. A Route from The Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee (DPRRC) agrees the instrument should follow the affirmative procedure (House of Lords) to LROLPD AD OR

  119. A Route from The Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee (DPRRC) agrees the instrument should follow the negative procedure (House of Lords) to LROLPD AA SUM

  120. A Route from The Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee (DPRRC) agrees the instrument should follow the negative procedure (House of Lords) to LROLPD AF OR

  121. A Route from The Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee (DPRRC) agrees the instrument should follow the super-affirmative procedure (House of Lords) to LROLPD AD SUM

  122. A Route from The Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee (DPRRC) recommends that the instrument should be upgraded to the affirmative procedure (House of Lords) to LROLPD AB OR

  123. A Route from The Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee (DPRRC) recommends that the instrument should be upgraded to the affirmative procedure (House of Lords) to LROLPD AD SUM

  124. A Route from The Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee (DPRRC) recommends that the instrument should be upgraded to the affirmative procedure (House of Lords) to LROLPD AI AND

  125. A Route from The Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee (DPRRC) recommends that the instrument should be upgraded to the super-affirmative procedure (House of Lords) to LROLPD AB OR

  126. A Route from The Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee (DPRRC) recommends that the instrument should be upgraded to the super-affirmative procedure (House of Lords) to LROLPD AB SUM

  127. A Route from The Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee (DPRRC) recommends that the instrument should be upgraded to the super-affirmative procedure (House of Lords) to LROLPD AK AND

Procedure identifier

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