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Made negative Routes

Instruments subject to the made negative procedure do not require approval in Parliament before becoming law. These instruments may come into force on any date after being laid. Instruments concerning taxation are not laid in the Lords. Either House may pass a motion within the objection period which annuls the instrument and stops it having effect.

Follows the calculation style Bicameral instruments (clock stops if both Houses rise).

There are 706 routes.

  1. A Route from AA Decision to Instrument revoked by another instrument

  2. A Route from AA INCREMENT to AE EQUALS

  3. A Route from AA NOT to MN AO Summation

  4. A Route from AB AND to Instrument made (signed into law)

  5. A Route from AB Decision to Instrument replaced by revoking instrument

  6. A Route from AB EQUALS to ED NOT

  7. A Route from AB NOT to AB AND

  8. A Route from AC AND to AA Decision

  9. A Route from AC Decision to Instrument comes into force as law

  10. A Route from AC NOT to AC AND

  11. A Route from AD AND to AB Decision

  12. A Route from AD Decision to Statement deposited by the Government, declaring the introduction of one or more criminal offences under Schedule 7 of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 (House of Lords)

  13. A Route from AD NOT to AD AND

  14. A Route from AE AND to AF AND

  15. A Route from AE EQUALS to MN AE Summation

  16. A Route from AE NOT to AF AND

  17. A Route from AE SUM to AB EQUALS

  18. A Route from AF AND to AC Decision

  19. A Route from AF NOT to AE AND

  20. A Route from AG AND to Statement deposited by the Government, declaring the introduction of one or more criminal offences under Schedule 7 of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 (House of Commons)

  21. A Route from AH AND to AD Decision

  22. A Route from AH NOT to AG AND

  23. A Route from AI AND to Laid before the House of Commons (House of Commons)

  24. A Route from AI EQUALS to DF NOT

  25. A Route from AI NOT to AH AND

  26. A Route from AJ AND to Communication declaring that the Instrument had come into operation before being laid before Parliament (House of Commons)

  27. A Route from AJ Decision to Considered for English votes for English laws (EVEL) certification (House of Commons)

    Start date: 22 October 2015

    End date: 21 April 2020

  28. A Route from AJ NOT to AI AND

  29. A Route from AJ OR to BY AND

  30. A Route from AK AND to MN AU Summation

  31. A Route from AK NOT to AJ AND

  32. A Route from AL AND to BM OR

  33. A Route from AM AND to Considered by the Select Committee on Statutory Instruments (SCSI) (House of Commons)

  34. A Route from AM NOT to AM AND

  35. A Route from AN NOT to AK AND

  36. A Route from AN OR to DK AND

  37. A Route from AP OR to MN AP Summation

  38. A Route from AQ OR to MN AQ Summation

  39. A Route from AS AND to AJ Decision

  40. A Route from AT NOT to AS AND

  41. A Route from AT SUM to AI EQUALS

  42. A Route from AU Decision to Delegated Legislation Committee (DLC) debate (House of Commons)

  43. A Route from AU OR to FB AND

  44. A Route from AV Decision to Chamber debate (House of Commons)

  45. A Route from AV OR to BY Decision

  46. A Route from AX Decision to Question on a motion (prayer) to stop the instrument being law put (House of Commons)

  47. A Route from AX OR to DG AND

  48. A Route from AZ Decision to Decision on a motion (prayer) to stop the instrument being law deferred (House of Commons)

  49. A Route from BC Decision to Motion (prayer) to stop the instrument being law rejected (House of Commons)

  50. A Route from BD Decision to Motion (prayer) to stop the instrument being law approved (House of Commons)

  51. A Route from BE OR to MN AN Summation

  52. A Route from BF OR to BE OR

  53. A Route from BG Decision to Laid before the House of Lords (House of Lords)

  54. A Route from BG OR to EV AND

  55. A Route from BH OR to EX AND

  56. A Route from BI OR to MN AR Summation

  57. A Route from BJ OR to FC AND

  58. A Route from BK OR to ET NOT

  59. A Route from BL OR to BF OR

  60. A Route from BM OR to AM AND

  61. A Route from BN OR to CC AND

  62. A Route from BO OR to CL AND

  63. A Route from BS AND to DO AND

  64. A Route from BT AND to AX Decision

  65. A Route from BV Decision to Grand Committee debate (House of Lords)

  66. A Route from BX AND to BD Decision

  67. A Route from BY AND to BZ AND

  68. A Route from BY Decision to Chamber debate (House of Lords)

  69. A Route from BY NOT to BX AND

  70. A Route from BZ AND to Procedure concluded in the House of Commons (House of Commons)

  71. A Route from BZ NOT to BY AND

  72. A Route from CA AND to MN AV Summation

  73. A Route from CA Decision to Question on a motion (prayer) to stop the instrument being law put (House of Lords)

  74. A Route from CA NOT to BZ AND

  75. A Route from CB AND to BN OR

  76. A Route from CC AND to Considered by the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments (JCSI) (House of Commons and House of Lords)

  77. A Route from CC NOT to CC AND

  78. A Route from CD Decision to Motion (prayer) to stop the instrument being law approved (House of Lords)

  79. A Route from CE Decision to Motion (prayer) to stop the instrument being law rejected (House of Lords)

  80. A Route from CF AND to BG Decision

  81. A Route from CF NOT to DJ AND

  82. A Route from CG AND to Communication declaring that the Instrument had come into operation before being laid before Parliament (House of Lords)

  83. A Route from CG NOT to CG AND

  84. A Route from CH Decision to Oral evidence session by the Secondary Legislation Scrutiny Committee (SLSC) (House of Lords)

  85. A Route from CH NOT to CF AND

  86. A Route from CK AND to BO OR

  87. A Route from CL AND to Considered by the Secondary Legislation Scrutiny Committee (SLSC) (House of Lords)

  88. A Route from CP NOT to CL AND

  89. A Route from CT Decision to Written statement invoking the urgent procedure set out in Paragraph 14(6) of Schedule 8 of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 (House of Lords)

  90. A Route from CU Decision to Motion to refer the instrument to a Delegated Legislation Committee (DLC) tabled by the Government (House of Commons)

  91. A Route from CV Decision to BM OR

  92. A Route from CW Decision to BN OR

  93. A Route from CX Decision to BO OR

  94. A Route from CY Decision to Correction made: Instrument should not have been laid in the House of Lords (House of Lords)

    Start date: 5 December 2024

    End date: 5 December 2024

  95. A Route from Certified as England and Wales only under the English votes for English laws (EVEL) process (House of Commons) to EVEL CERT AC SUM

  96. A Route from Certified as England only under the English votes for English laws (EVEL) process (House of Commons) to EVEL CERT AB SUM

  97. A Route from Certified as England, Wales and Northern Ireland only under the English votes for English laws (EVEL) process (House of Commons) to EVEL CERT AC SUM

  98. A Route from Chamber debate (House of Commons) to BI OR

  99. A Route from Chamber debate (House of Lords) to BK OR

  100. A Route from Chamber debate (House of Lords) to EJ AND

  101. A Route from Chamber debate (House of Lords) to EU NOT

  102. A Route from Chamber debate (House of Commons) to NCM AD OR

  103. A Route from Chamber debate (House of Lords) to NLM AA OR

  104. A Route from Chamber debate (House of Lords) to NLM AB OR

  105. A Route from Concerns raised by the Secondary Legislation Scrutiny Committee (SLSC) (House of Lords) to SLSC AA OR

  106. A Route from Concerns raised by the Secondary Legislation Scrutiny Committee (SLSC) (House of Lords) to SLSC AA SUM

  107. A Route from Considered by the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments (JCSI) (House of Commons and House of Lords) to CC NOT

  108. A Route from Considered by the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments (JCSI) (House of Commons and House of Lords) to JCSI AA EQUALS

  109. A Route from Considered by the Secondary Legislation Scrutiny Committee (SLSC) (House of Lords) to CP NOT

  110. A Route from Considered by the Secondary Legislation Scrutiny Committee (SLSC) (House of Lords) to SLSC AA EQUALS

  111. A Route from Considered by the Select Committee on Statutory Instruments (SCSI) (House of Commons) to AM NOT

  112. A Route from Considered by the Select Committee on Statutory Instruments (SCSI) (House of Commons) to SCSI AA EQUALS

  113. A Route from Considered for English votes for English laws (EVEL) certification (House of Commons) to AT NOT

  114. A Route from Considered for English votes for English laws (EVEL) certification (House of Commons) to EVEL CERT AA EQUALS

  115. A Route from Correction made: Instrument should not have been laid in the House of Lords (House of Lords) to EZ NOT

  116. A Route from DA AND to CU Decision

  117. A Route from DB AND to CA Decision

  118. A Route from DF NOT to MN AK Summation

  119. A Route from DG AND to Objection period ends

  120. A Route from DH NOT to DG AND

  121. A Route from DI AND to DS AND

  122. A Route from DI NOT to DI AND

  123. A Route from DJ AND to Procedure concluded in the House of Commons and the House of Lords (House of Commons and House of Lords)

  124. A Route from DK AND to DJ AND

  125. A Route from DL AND to AS AND

  126. A Route from DO AND to BT AND

  127. A Route from DP AND to NLM AF Summation

  128. A Route from DQ AND to DB AND

  129. A Route from DQ NOT to DR AND

  130. A Route from DR AND to Instrument stops being law

  131. A Route from DR NOT to DS AND

  132. A Route from DS AND to Instrument remains law

  133. A Route from Debate on a motion to refer the instrument to a Delegated Legislation Committee (DLC) (House of Commons) to RDLC AB NOT

  134. A Route from Delegated Legislation Committee (DLC) debate (House of Commons) to AA INCREMENT

  135. A Route from Delegated Legislation Committee (DLC) debate (House of Commons) to BI OR

  136. A Route from Delegated Legislation Committee (DLC) debate (House of Commons) to NCM AD OR

  137. A Route from Delegated Legislation Committee (DLC) debate (House of Commons) to NCMC AF AND

  138. A Route from ED NOT to MN AB Summation

  139. A Route from EF NOT to MN AF Summation

  140. A Route from EJ AND to DQ AND

  141. A Route from EK NOT to MN AM Summation

  142. A Route from EL AND to BC Decision

  143. A Route from EL NOT to ER AND

  144. A Route from EM AND to BX AND

  145. A Route from EM NOT to ES AND

  146. A Route from EO NOT to EU AND

  147. A Route from EP NOT to EV AND

  148. A Route from EQ NOT to EW AND

  149. A Route from ER AND to Written statement invoking the urgent procedure set out in Paragraph 14(6) of Schedule 8 of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 (House of Commons)

  150. A Route from ER NOT to DO AND

  151. A Route from ES AND to CT Decision

  152. A Route from ES NOT to DA AND

  153. A Route from ET AND to EU AND

  154. A Route from ET NOT to MN AT Summation

  155. A Route from EU AND to BG OR

  156. A Route from EU NOT to FE AND

  157. A Route from EV AND to MN AS Summation

  158. A Route from EV NOT to FF AND

  159. A Route from EVEL CERT AA Decision to Certified as England only under the English votes for English laws (EVEL) process (House of Commons)

    Start date: 22 October 2015

    End date: 21 April 2020


  161. A Route from EVEL CERT AA NOT to EVEL CERT AA Summation


  163. A Route from EVEL CERT AA Summation to EVEL CERT AA Decision

  164. A Route from EVEL CERT AA Summation to EVEL CERT AB Decision

  165. A Route from EVEL CERT AA Summation to EVEL CERT AC Decision

  166. A Route from EVEL CERT AA Summation to EVEL CERT AD Decision

  167. A Route from EVEL CERT AB Decision to Certified as England and Wales only under the English votes for English laws (EVEL) process (House of Commons)

    Start date: 22 October 2015

    End date: 21 April 2020

  168. A Route from EVEL CERT AB SUM to EVEL CERT AA SUM

  169. A Route from EVEL CERT AC Decision to Certified as England, Wales and Northern Ireland only under the English votes for English laws (EVEL) process (House of Commons)

    Start date: 22 October 2015

    End date: 21 April 2020

  170. A Route from EVEL CERT AC SUM to EVEL CERT AB SUM

  171. A Route from EVEL CERT AD Decision to Not certified under the English votes for English laws (EVEL) process (House of Commons)

    Start date: 22 October 2015

    End date: 21 April 2020

  172. A Route from EW AND to NCM AF Summation

  173. A Route from EX AND to DA AND

  174. A Route from EX NOT to FG AND

  175. A Route from EY AND to AU Decision

  176. A Route from EY NOT to FH AND

  177. A Route from EZ AND to EY AND

  178. A Route from EZ NOT to FL AND

  179. A Route from FB AND to BV Decision

  180. A Route from FC AND to AV OR

  181. A Route from FD AND to AV OR

  182. A Route from FE AND to FD AND

  183. A Route from FF AND to FE AND

  184. A Route from FG AND to Report by the Social Security Advisory Committee and statement by the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions laid before the House of Commons (House of Commons)

  185. A Route from FH AND to Report by the Social Security Advisory Committee and statement by the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions laid before the House of Lords (House of Lords)

  186. A Route from FI AND to CV Decision

  187. A Route from FJ AND to CW Decision

  188. A Route from FK AND to CX Decision

  189. A Route from FL AND to CY Decision

  190. A Route from Grand Committee debate (House of Lords) to BK OR

  191. A Route from Grand Committee debate (House of Lords) to NLM AA OR

  192. A Route from Grand Committee debate (House of Lords) to NLM AB OR

  193. A Route from Instrument comes into force as law to AE NOT

  194. A Route from Instrument comes into force as law to AJ AND

  195. A Route from Instrument comes into force as law to CG AND

  196. A Route from Instrument created to BE OR

  197. A Route from Instrument created requiring the Secretary of State under Sections 172(1) and 174(1) of the Social Security Administration Act 1992 to refer proposals to the Social Security Advisory Committee to BL OR

  198. A Route from Instrument created requiring the Secretary of State under Sections 172(1) and 174(1) of the Social Security Administration Act 1992 to refer proposals to the Social Security Advisory Committee to FG AND

  199. A Route from Instrument created requiring the Secretary of State under Sections 172(1) and 174(1) of the Social Security Administration Act 1992 to refer proposals to the Social Security Advisory Committee to FH AND

  200. A Route from Instrument created under the urgent procedure set out in Paragraph 14(6) of Schedule 8 of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 to BL OR

  201. A Route from Instrument created under the urgent procedure set out in Paragraph 14(6) of Schedule 8 of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 to ER AND

  202. A Route from Instrument created under the urgent procedure set out in Paragraph 14(6) of Schedule 8 of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 to ES AND

  203. A Route from Instrument drawn to the special attention of the House by the Select Committee on Statutory Instruments (SCSI) (House of Commons) to SCSI AA AND

  204. A Route from Instrument drawn to the special attention of the House by the Select Committee on Statutory Instruments (SCSI) (House of Commons) to SCSI AA SUM

  205. A Route from Instrument drawn to the special attention of the House by the Select Committee on Statutory Instruments (SCSI) (House of Commons) to SCSI AB AND

  206. A Route from Instrument drawn to the special attention of the House by the Select Committee on Statutory Instruments (SCSI) (House of Commons) to SCSI AC AND

  207. A Route from Instrument drawn to the special attention of the House by the Select Committee on Statutory Instruments (SCSI) (House of Commons) to SCSI AD AND

  208. A Route from Instrument drawn to the special attention of the House by the Select Committee on Statutory Instruments (SCSI) (House of Commons) to SCSI AE AND

  209. A Route from Instrument drawn to the special attention of the House by the Select Committee on Statutory Instruments (SCSI) (House of Commons) to SCSI AF AND

  210. A Route from Instrument drawn to the special attention of the Houses by the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments (JCSI) (House of Commons and House of Lords) to JCSI AA AND

  211. A Route from Instrument drawn to the special attention of the Houses by the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments (JCSI) (House of Commons and House of Lords) to JCSI AA SUM

  212. A Route from Instrument drawn to the special attention of the Houses by the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments (JCSI) (House of Commons and House of Lords) to JCSI AB AND

  213. A Route from Instrument drawn to the special attention of the Houses by the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments (JCSI) (House of Commons and House of Lords) to JCSI AC AND

  214. A Route from Instrument drawn to the special attention of the Houses by the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments (JCSI) (House of Commons and House of Lords) to JCSI AD AND

  215. A Route from Instrument drawn to the special attention of the Houses by the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments (JCSI) (House of Commons and House of Lords) to JCSI AE AND

  216. A Route from Instrument drawn to the special attention of the Houses by the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments (JCSI) (House of Commons and House of Lords) to JCSI AF AND

  217. A Route from Instrument introducing one or more criminal offences under Schedule 7 of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 created to AG AND

  218. A Route from Instrument introducing one or more criminal offences under Schedule 7 of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 created to AH AND

  219. A Route from Instrument introducing one or more criminal offences under Schedule 7 of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 created to BF OR

  220. A Route from Instrument made (signed into law) to AB NOT

  221. A Route from Instrument made (signed into law) to AC AND

  222. A Route from Instrument made (signed into law) to AE AND

  223. A Route from Instrument made (signed into law) to AI AND

  224. A Route from Instrument made (signed into law) to CF AND

  225. A Route from Instrument not drawn to the special attention of the House by the Select Committee on Statutory Instruments (SCSI) (House of Commons) to SCSI AA SUM

  226. A Route from Instrument not drawn to the special attention of the Houses by the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments (JCSI) (House of Commons and House of Lords) to JCSI AA SUM

  227. A Route from Instrument remains law to DR NOT

  228. A Route from Instrument replaced by revoking instrument to AD NOT

  229. A Route from Instrument revoked by another instrument to AC NOT

  230. A Route from Instrument revoked by another instrument to AD AND

  231. A Route from Instrument revoked by another instrument to AP OR

  232. A Route from Instrument revoked by another instrument to EK NOT

  233. A Route from Instrument revoked by another instrument to FI AND

  234. A Route from Instrument revoked by another instrument to FJ AND

  235. A Route from Instrument revoked by another instrument to FK AND

  236. A Route from Instrument stops being law to AF NOT

  237. A Route from Instrument stops being law to DQ NOT

  238. A Route from JCSI AA AND to JCSI AC Decision

  239. A Route from JCSI AA Decision to Instrument drawn to the special attention of the Houses by the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments (JCSI) (House of Commons and House of Lords)

  240. A Route from JCSI AA EQUALS to JCSI AA NOT

  241. A Route from JCSI AA NOT to JCSI AA Summation

  242. A Route from JCSI AA SUM to JCSI AA EQUALS

  243. A Route from JCSI AA Summation to JCSI AA Decision

  244. A Route from JCSI AA Summation to JCSI AB Decision

  245. A Route from JCSI AB AND to JCSI AD Decision

  246. A Route from JCSI AB Decision to Instrument not drawn to the special attention of the Houses by the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments (JCSI) (House of Commons and House of Lords)

  247. A Route from JCSI AB NOT to JCSI AA AND

  248. A Route from JCSI AC AND to JCSI AE Decision

  249. A Route from JCSI AC Decision to Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments (JCSI) draws the special attention of both Houses to this instrument on the grounds that it is defectively drafted (House of Commons and House of Lords)

  250. A Route from JCSI AC NOT to JCSI AB AND

  251. A Route from JCSI AD AND to JCSI AF Decision

  252. A Route from JCSI AD Decision to Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments (JCSI) draws the special attention of both Houses to this instrument on the grounds that it requires elucidation (House of Commons and House of Lords)

  253. A Route from JCSI AD NOT to JCSI AC AND

  254. A Route from JCSI AE AND to JCSI AG Decision

  255. A Route from JCSI AE Decision to Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments (JCSI) draws the special attention of both Houses to this instrument on the grounds that there is doubt as to whether they are intra vires (House of Commons and House of Lords)

  256. A Route from JCSI AE NOT to JCSI AD AND

  257. A Route from JCSI AF AND to JCSI AH Decision

  258. A Route from JCSI AF Decision to Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments (JCSI) draws the special attention of both Houses to this instrument on the grounds that it makes unusual or unexpected use of the enabling power (House of Commons and House of Lords)

  259. A Route from JCSI AF NOT to JCSI AE AND

  260. A Route from JCSI AG Decision to Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments (JCSI) draws the special attention of both Houses to this instrument on the grounds that it fails to comply with proper legislative practice (House of Commons and House of Lords)

  261. A Route from JCSI AG NOT to JCSI AF AND

  262. A Route from JCSI AH Decision to Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments (JCSI) draws the special attention of both Houses to this instrument on other grounds (House of Commons and House of Lords)

  263. A Route from Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments (JCSI) draws the special attention of both Houses to this instrument on other grounds (House of Commons and House of Lords) to JCSI AG NOT

  264. A Route from Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments (JCSI) draws the special attention of both Houses to this instrument on the grounds that it fails to comply with proper legislative practice (House of Commons and House of Lords) to JCSI AF NOT

  265. A Route from Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments (JCSI) draws the special attention of both Houses to this instrument on the grounds that it is defectively drafted (House of Commons and House of Lords) to JCSI AB NOT

  266. A Route from Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments (JCSI) draws the special attention of both Houses to this instrument on the grounds that it makes unusual or unexpected use of the enabling power (House of Commons and House of Lords) to JCSI AE NOT

  267. A Route from Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments (JCSI) draws the special attention of both Houses to this instrument on the grounds that it requires elucidation (House of Commons and House of Lords) to JCSI AC NOT

  268. A Route from Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments (JCSI) draws the special attention of both Houses to this instrument on the grounds that there is doubt as to whether they are intra vires (House of Commons and House of Lords) to JCSI AD NOT

  269. A Route from Laid before the House of Commons (House of Commons) to AJ NOT

  270. A Route from Laid before the House of Commons (House of Commons) to AK AND

  271. A Route from Laid before the House of Commons (House of Commons) to AK NOT

  272. A Route from Laid before the House of Commons (House of Commons) to AX OR

  273. A Route from Laid before the House of Commons (House of Commons) to CA AND

  274. A Route from Laid before the House of Commons (House of Commons) to EW AND

  275. A Route from Laid before the House of Lords (House of Lords) to AN NOT

  276. A Route from Laid before the House of Lords (House of Lords) to AX OR

  277. A Route from Laid before the House of Lords (House of Lords) to BZ NOT

  278. A Route from Laid before the House of Lords (House of Lords) to CA AND

  279. A Route from Laid before the House of Lords (House of Lords) to CG NOT

  280. A Route from Laid before the House of Lords (House of Lords) to CH Decision

  281. A Route from Laid before the House of Lords (House of Lords) to CH NOT

  282. A Route from Laid before the House of Lords (House of Lords) to CK AND

  283. A Route from Laid before the House of Lords (House of Lords) to DK AND

  284. A Route from Laid before the House of Lords (House of Lords) to DP AND

  285. A Route from Laid before the House of Lords (House of Lords) to FK AND

  286. A Route from MN AB Summation to AZ Decision

  287. A Route from MN AB Summation to EL AND

  288. A Route from MN AB Summation to EM AND

  289. A Route from MN AE Summation to EJ AND

  290. A Route from MN AE Summation to EZ AND

  291. A Route from MN AF Summation to BT AND

  292. A Route from MN AF Summation to DB AND

  293. A Route from MN AF Summation to EL AND

  294. A Route from MN AF Summation to EM AND

  295. A Route from MN AF Summation to ET AND

  296. A Route from MN AF Summation to FF AND

  297. A Route from MN AK Summation to CD Decision

  298. A Route from MN AK Summation to CE Decision

  299. A Route from MN AM Summation to AL AND

  300. A Route from MN AM Summation to CB AND

  301. A Route from MN AM Summation to CK AND

  302. A Route from MN AM Summation to DL AND

  303. A Route from MN AM Summation to DP AND

  304. A Route from MN AM Summation to EX AND

  305. A Route from MN AM Summation to RDLC AC AND

  306. A Route from MN AN Summation to AA NOT

  307. A Route from MN AN Summation to AB AND

  308. A Route from MN AN Summation to FL AND

  309. A Route from MN AO Summation to Instrument created

  310. A Route from MN AO Summation to Instrument created requiring the Secretary of State under Sections 172(1) and 174(1) of the Social Security Administration Act 1992 to refer proposals to the Social Security Advisory Committee

  311. A Route from MN AO Summation to Instrument created under the urgent procedure set out in Paragraph 14(6) of Schedule 8 of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018

  312. A Route from MN AO Summation to Instrument introducing one or more criminal offences under Schedule 7 of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 created

  313. A Route from MN AP Summation to AJ OR

  314. A Route from MN AP Summation to AN OR

  315. A Route from MN AP Summation to DI NOT

  316. A Route from MN AP Summation to DR AND

  317. A Route from MN AP Summation to EQ NOT

  318. A Route from MN AP Summation to NCM AF AND

  319. A Route from MN AP Summation to NLM AF AND

  320. A Route from MN AQ Summation to AP OR

  321. A Route from MN AQ Summation to DQ AND

  322. A Route from MN AQ Summation to EO NOT

  323. A Route from MN AQ Summation to ER NOT

  324. A Route from MN AQ Summation to EV NOT

  325. A Route from MN AQ Summation to NCMC AA NOT

  326. A Route from MN AQ Summation to NLM AH NOT

  327. A Route from MN AQ Summation to NLM AJ NOT

  328. A Route from MN AR Summation to BS AND

  329. A Route from MN AR Summation to EP NOT

  330. A Route from MN AS Summation to AV Decision

  331. A Route from MN AS Summation to EZ AND

  332. A Route from MN AT Summation to FB AND

  333. A Route from MN AT Summation to FC AND

  334. A Route from MN AU Summation to AL AND

  335. A Route from MN AU Summation to FI AND

  336. A Route from MN AV Summation to CB AND

  337. A Route from MN AV Summation to FJ AND

  338. A Route from Motion (prayer) to stop the instrument being law approved (House of Commons) to AE SUM

  339. A Route from Motion (prayer) to stop the instrument being law approved (House of Commons) to AQ OR

  340. A Route from Motion (prayer) to stop the instrument being law approved (House of Lords) to AQ OR

  341. A Route from Motion (prayer) to stop the instrument being law approved (House of Lords) to AT SUM

  342. A Route from Motion (prayer) to stop the instrument being law approved (House of Commons) to BY NOT

  343. A Route from Motion (prayer) to stop the instrument being law lapsed at end of session (House of Commons) to NCM AK SUM

  344. A Route from Motion (prayer) to stop the instrument being law lapsed at end of session (House of Lords) to NLM AK SUM

  345. A Route from Motion (prayer) to stop the instrument being law not called (House of Commons) to NCM AM SUM

  346. A Route from Motion (prayer) to stop the instrument being law not called (House of Lords) to NLM AM SUM

  347. A Route from Motion (prayer) to stop the instrument being law not moved (House of Commons) to NCM AL SUM

  348. A Route from Motion (prayer) to stop the instrument being law not moved (House of Lords) to NLM AL SUM

  349. A Route from Motion (prayer) to stop the instrument being law rejected (House of Commons) to AE SUM

  350. A Route from Motion (prayer) to stop the instrument being law rejected (House of Lords) to AT SUM

  351. A Route from Motion (prayer) to stop the instrument being law tabled (House of Commons) to NCM AD EQUALS

  352. A Route from Motion (prayer) to stop the instrument being law tabled (House of Lords) to NLM AD EQUALS

  353. A Route from Motion (prayer) to stop the instrument being law withdrawn (House of Commons) to NCM AJ SUM

  354. A Route from Motion (prayer) to stop the instrument being law withdrawn (House of Lords) to NLM AJ SUM

  355. A Route from Motion to consider the instrument approved (House of Commons) to NCMC AE SUM

  356. A Route from Motion to consider the instrument lapsed at end of session (House of Commons) to NCMC AB SUM

  357. A Route from Motion to consider the instrument not called (House of Commons) to NCMC AD SUM

  358. A Route from Motion to consider the instrument not moved (House of Commons) to NCMC AC SUM

  359. A Route from Motion to consider the instrument rejected (House of Commons) to NCMC AE SUM

  360. A Route from Motion to consider the instrument tabled (House of Commons) to NCMC AA EQUALS

  361. A Route from Motion to consider the instrument withdrawn (House of Commons) to NCMC AA SUM

  362. A Route from Motion to refer the instrument to a Delegated Legislation Committee (DLC) approved (House of Commons) to AE EQUALS

  363. A Route from Motion to refer the instrument to a Delegated Legislation Committee (DLC) approved (House of Commons) to NCMC AA AND

  364. A Route from Motion to refer the instrument to a Delegated Legislation Committee (DLC) approved (House of Commons) to RDLC AE SUM

  365. A Route from Motion to refer the instrument to a Delegated Legislation Committee (DLC) lapsed at end of session (House of Commons) to RDLC AB SUM

  366. A Route from Motion to refer the instrument to a Delegated Legislation Committee (DLC) not called (House of Commons) to RDLC AD SUM

  367. A Route from Motion to refer the instrument to a Delegated Legislation Committee (DLC) not moved (House of Commons) to RDLC AC SUM

  368. A Route from Motion to refer the instrument to a Delegated Legislation Committee (DLC) rejected (House of Commons) to RDLC AE SUM

  369. A Route from Motion to refer the instrument to a Delegated Legislation Committee (DLC) tabled by the Government (House of Commons) to RDLC AA EQUALS

  370. A Route from Motion to refer the instrument to a Delegated Legislation Committee (DLC) withdrawn (House of Commons) to RDLC AA SUM

  371. A Route from Motion to take note of the instrument approved (House of Lords) to NLM AR SUM

  372. A Route from Motion to take note of the instrument lapsed at end of session (House of Lords) to NLM AO SUM

  373. A Route from Motion to take note of the instrument not called (House of Lords) to NLM AQ SUM

  374. A Route from Motion to take note of the instrument not moved (House of Lords) to NLM AP SUM

  375. A Route from Motion to take note of the instrument rejected (House of Lords) to NLM AR SUM

  376. A Route from Motion to take note of the instrument tabled (House of Lords) to NLM AE EQUALS

  377. A Route from Motion to take note of the instrument withdrawn (House of Lords) to NLM AN SUM

  378. A Route from NCM AA AND to NCM AF Decision

  379. A Route from NCM AA Decision to Non-fatal motion (prayer) to object to the instrument tabled (House of Commons)

  380. A Route from NCM AA EQUALS to NCM AA NOT

  381. A Route from NCM AA NOT to NCM AA Summation

  382. A Route from NCM AA OR to NCM AB Summation

  383. A Route from NCM AA SUM to NCM AA EQUALS

  384. A Route from NCM AA Summation to BG OR

  385. A Route from NCM AA Summation to BH OR

  386. A Route from NCM AA Summation to NCM AA AND

  387. A Route from NCM AA Summation to NCM AB Decision

  388. A Route from NCM AA Summation to NCM AC Decision

  389. A Route from NCM AA Summation to NCM AD Decision

  390. A Route from NCM AA Summation to NCM AE Decision

  391. A Route from NCM AA Summation to NCMC AE NOT

  392. A Route from NCM AA Summation to RDLC AB OR

  393. A Route from NCM AA Summation to RDLC AD NOT

  394. A Route from NCM AB AND to NCM AA AND

  395. A Route from NCM AB Decision to Non-fatal motion (prayer) to object to the instrument withdrawn (House of Commons)

  396. A Route from NCM AB EQUALS to NCM AC NOT

  397. A Route from NCM AB NOT to NCM AB AND

  398. A Route from NCM AB SUM to NCM AA SUM

  399. A Route from NCM AB Summation to DL AND

  400. A Route from NCM AC Decision to Non-fatal motion (prayer) to object to the instrument lapsed at end of session (House of Commons)

  401. A Route from NCM AC NOT to NCM AC Summation

  402. A Route from NCM AC OR to Motion (prayer) to stop the instrument being law withdrawn (House of Commons)

  403. A Route from NCM AC SUM to NCM AB SUM

  404. A Route from NCM AC Summation to NCM AG Decision

  405. A Route from NCM AC Summation to NCM AH Decision

  406. A Route from NCM AC Summation to NCM AI Decision

  407. A Route from NCM AD Decision to Non-fatal motion (prayer) to object to the instrument not moved (House of Commons)

  408. A Route from NCM AD EQUALS to NCM AG NOT

  409. A Route from NCM AD OR to NCM AB AND

  410. A Route from NCM AD SUM to NCM AC SUM

  411. A Route from NCM AE AND to NCM AO Decision

  412. A Route from NCM AE Decision to Non-fatal motion (prayer) to object to the instrument not called (House of Commons)

  413. A Route from NCM AE SUM to NCM AB EQUALS

  414. A Route from NCM AE Summation to BH OR

  415. A Route from NCM AE Summation to BS AND

  416. A Route from NCM AE Summation to ET AND

  417. A Route from NCM AE Summation to NCM AA OR

  418. A Route from NCM AE Summation to NCM AB NOT

  419. A Route from NCM AE Summation to NCM AF AND

  420. A Route from NCM AE Summation to NCM AP Decision

  421. A Route from NCM AE Summation to NCM AQ Decision

  422. A Route from NCM AE Summation to NCM AR Decision

  423. A Route from NCM AE Summation to NCM AS Decision

  424. A Route from NCM AE Summation to NCMC AE AND

  425. A Route from NCM AE Summation to RDLC AB OR

  426. A Route from NCM AE Summation to RDLC AF AND

  427. A Route from NCM AF AND to NCM AC OR

  428. A Route from NCM AF Decision to Question on a non-fatal motion (prayer) to object to the instrument put (House of Commons)

  429. A Route from NCM AF NOT to NCM AE AND

  430. A Route from NCM AF Summation to NCM AA Decision

  431. A Route from NCM AF Summation to NCM AE AND

  432. A Route from NCM AG Decision to Decision on a non-fatal motion (prayer) to object to the instrument deferred (House of Commons)

  433. A Route from NCM AG NOT to NCM AE Summation

  434. A Route from NCM AH Decision to Non-fatal motion (prayer) to object to the instrument approved (House of Commons)

  435. A Route from NCM AI Decision to Non-fatal motion (prayer) to object to the instrument rejected (House of Commons)

  436. A Route from NCM AJ SUM to NCM AD EQUALS

  437. A Route from NCM AK SUM to NCM AJ SUM

  438. A Route from NCM AL SUM to NCM AK SUM

  439. A Route from NCM AM SUM to NCM AL SUM

  440. A Route from NCM AO Decision to Motion (prayer) to stop the instrument being law tabled (House of Commons)

  441. A Route from NCM AP Decision to NCM AC OR

  442. A Route from NCM AQ Decision to Motion (prayer) to stop the instrument being law lapsed at end of session (House of Commons)

  443. A Route from NCM AR Decision to Motion (prayer) to stop the instrument being law not moved (House of Commons)

  444. A Route from NCM AS Decision to Motion (prayer) to stop the instrument being law not called (House of Commons)

  445. A Route from NCMC AA AND to NCMC AB AND

  446. A Route from NCMC AA Decision to Motion to consider the instrument tabled (House of Commons)

  447. A Route from NCMC AA EQUALS to NCMC AD NOT

  448. A Route from NCMC AA NOT to NCMC AA AND

  449. A Route from NCMC AA OR to Motion to consider the instrument withdrawn (House of Commons)

  450. A Route from NCMC AA SUM to NCMC AA EQUALS

  451. A Route from NCMC AA Summation to EY AND

  452. A Route from NCMC AA Summation to NCMC AB Decision

  453. A Route from NCMC AA Summation to NCMC AC Decision

  454. A Route from NCMC AA Summation to NCMC AC NOT

  455. A Route from NCMC AA Summation to NCMC AD Decision

  456. A Route from NCMC AA Summation to NCMC AE Decision

  457. A Route from NCMC AA Summation to NCMC AF AND

  458. A Route from NCMC AA Summation to NCMC AG AND

  459. A Route from NCMC AB AND to NCMC AC AND

  460. A Route from NCMC AB Decision to NCMC AA OR

  461. A Route from NCMC AB EQUALS to NCMC AF NOT

  462. A Route from NCMC AB NOT to NCMC AB AND

  463. A Route from NCMC AB SUM to NCMC AA SUM

  464. A Route from NCMC AB Summation to NCMC AG Decision

  465. A Route from NCMC AB Summation to NCMC AH Decision

  466. A Route from NCMC AC AND to NCMC AA Decision

  467. A Route from NCMC AC Decision to Motion to consider the instrument lapsed at end of session (House of Commons)

  468. A Route from NCMC AC NOT to NCMC AC AND

  469. A Route from NCMC AC SUM to NCMC AB SUM

  470. A Route from NCMC AD AND to NCMC AG AND

  471. A Route from NCMC AD Decision to Motion to consider the instrument not moved (House of Commons)

  472. A Route from NCMC AD NOT to NCMC AA Summation

  473. A Route from NCMC AD SUM to NCMC AC SUM

  474. A Route from NCMC AE AND to NCMC AD AND

  475. A Route from NCMC AE Decision to Motion to consider the instrument not called (House of Commons)

  476. A Route from NCMC AE NOT to NCMC AD AND

  477. A Route from NCMC AE SUM to NCMC AB EQUALS

  478. A Route from NCMC AF AND to NCMC AF Decision

  479. A Route from NCMC AF Decision to Question put on motion to consider the instrument (House of Commons)

  480. A Route from NCMC AF NOT to NCMC AB Summation

  481. A Route from NCMC AG AND to NCMC AA OR

  482. A Route from NCMC AG Decision to Motion to consider the instrument approved (House of Commons)

  483. A Route from NCMC AH Decision to Motion to consider the instrument rejected (House of Commons)

  484. A Route from NLM AA AND to NLM AF Decision

  485. A Route from NLM AA Decision to Non-fatal motion (prayer) to object to the instrument tabled (House of Lords)

  486. A Route from NLM AA EQUALS to NLM AA NOT

  487. A Route from NLM AA NOT to NLM AA Summation

  488. A Route from NLM AA OR to NLM AJ AND

  489. A Route from NLM AA SUM to NLM AA EQUALS

  490. A Route from NLM AA Summation to AU OR

  491. A Route from NLM AA Summation to BJ OR

  492. A Route from NLM AA Summation to NLM AA AND

  493. A Route from NLM AA Summation to NLM AB Decision

  494. A Route from NLM AA Summation to NLM AC Decision

  495. A Route from NLM AA Summation to NLM AD Decision

  496. A Route from NLM AA Summation to NLM AE Decision

  497. A Route from NLM AB AND to NLM AA AND

  498. A Route from NLM AB Decision to Non-fatal motion (prayer) to object to the instrument withdrawn (House of Lords)

  499. A Route from NLM AB EQUALS to NLM AC NOT

  500. A Route from NLM AB NOT to NLM AB AND

  501. A Route from NLM AB OR to NLM AB AND

  502. A Route from NLM AB SUM to NLM AA SUM

  503. A Route from NLM AC Decision to Non-fatal motion (prayer) to object to the instrument lapsed at end of session (House of Lords)

  504. A Route from NLM AC NOT to NLM AC Summation

  505. A Route from NLM AC SUM to NLM AB SUM

  506. A Route from NLM AC Summation to NLM AH Decision

  507. A Route from NLM AC Summation to NLM AI Decision

  508. A Route from NLM AD Decision to Non-fatal motion (prayer) to object to the instrument not moved (House of Lords)

  509. A Route from NLM AD EQUALS to NLM AG NOT

  510. A Route from NLM AD OR to Motion (prayer) to stop the instrument being law withdrawn (House of Lords)

  511. A Route from NLM AD SUM to NLM AC SUM

  512. A Route from NLM AE AND to NLM AO Decision

  513. A Route from NLM AE Decision to Non-fatal motion (prayer) to object to the instrument not called (House of Lords)

  514. A Route from NLM AE EQUALS to NLM AK NOT

  515. A Route from NLM AE SUM to NLM AB EQUALS

  516. A Route from NLM AE Summation to FD AND

  517. A Route from NLM AE Summation to NLM AB NOT

  518. A Route from NLM AE Summation to NLM AF AND

  519. A Route from NLM AE Summation to NLM AP Decision

  520. A Route from NLM AE Summation to NLM AQ Decision

  521. A Route from NLM AE Summation to NLM AR Decision

  522. A Route from NLM AE Summation to NLM AS Decision

  523. A Route from NLM AF AND to NLM AD OR

  524. A Route from NLM AF Decision to Question on a non-fatal motion (prayer) to object to the instrument put (House of Lords)

  525. A Route from NLM AF EQUALS to NLM AL NOT

  526. A Route from NLM AF NOT to NLM AE AND

  527. A Route from NLM AF Summation to NLM AH AND

  528. A Route from NLM AF Summation to NLM AI AND

  529. A Route from NLM AF Summation to NLM AT Decision

  530. A Route from NLM AG NOT to NLM AE Summation

  531. A Route from NLM AG Summation to AU OR

  532. A Route from NLM AG Summation to BJ OR

  533. A Route from NLM AG Summation to NLM AJ AND

  534. A Route from NLM AG Summation to NLM AU Decision

  535. A Route from NLM AG Summation to NLM AV Decision

  536. A Route from NLM AG Summation to NLM AW Decision

  537. A Route from NLM AG Summation to NLM AX Decision

  538. A Route from NLM AH AND to NLM AE AND

  539. A Route from NLM AH Decision to Non-fatal motion (prayer) to object to the instrument approved (House of Lords)

  540. A Route from NLM AH NOT to NLM AH AND

  541. A Route from NLM AH Summation to NLM AZ Decision

  542. A Route from NLM AH Summation to NLM BA Decision

  543. A Route from NLM AI AND to NLM AA Decision

  544. A Route from NLM AI Decision to Non-fatal motion (prayer) to object to the instrument rejected (House of Lords)

  545. A Route from NLM AJ AND to NLM AY Decision

  546. A Route from NLM AJ NOT to NLM AI AND

  547. A Route from NLM AJ SUM to NLM AD EQUALS

  548. A Route from NLM AK NOT to NLM AG Summation

  549. A Route from NLM AK SUM to NLM AJ SUM

  550. A Route from NLM AL NOT to NLM AH Summation

  551. A Route from NLM AL SUM to NLM AK SUM

  552. A Route from NLM AM SUM to NLM AL SUM

  553. A Route from NLM AN SUM to NLM AE EQUALS

  554. A Route from NLM AO Decision to Motion (prayer) to stop the instrument being law tabled (House of Lords)

  555. A Route from NLM AO SUM to NLM AN SUM

  556. A Route from NLM AP Decision to NLM AD OR

  557. A Route from NLM AP SUM to NLM AO SUM

  558. A Route from NLM AQ Decision to Motion (prayer) to stop the instrument being law lapsed at end of session (House of Lords)

  559. A Route from NLM AQ SUM to NLM AP SUM

  560. A Route from NLM AR Decision to Motion (prayer) to stop the instrument being law not moved (House of Lords)

  561. A Route from NLM AR SUM to NLM AF EQUALS

  562. A Route from NLM AS Decision to Motion (prayer) to stop the instrument being law not called (House of Lords)

  563. A Route from NLM AT Decision to Motion to take note of the instrument tabled (House of Lords)

  564. A Route from NLM AU Decision to Motion to take note of the instrument withdrawn (House of Lords)

  565. A Route from NLM AV Decision to Motion to take note of the instrument lapsed at end of session (House of Lords)

  566. A Route from NLM AW Decision to Motion to take note of the instrument not moved (House of Lords)

  567. A Route from NLM AX Decision to Motion to take note of the instrument not called (House of Lords)

  568. A Route from NLM AY Decision to Question on a motion to take note of the instrument put (House of Lords)

  569. A Route from NLM AZ Decision to Motion to take note of the instrument approved (House of Lords)

  570. A Route from NLM BA Decision to Motion to take note of the instrument rejected (House of Lords)

  571. A Route from No concerns raised by the Secondary Legislation Scrutiny Committee (SLSC) (House of Lords) to SLSC AA OR

  572. A Route from No concerns raised by the Secondary Legislation Scrutiny Committee (SLSC) (House of Lords) to SLSC AB SUM

  573. A Route from Non-fatal motion (prayer) to object to the instrument approved (House of Commons) to NCM AE SUM

  574. A Route from Non-fatal motion (prayer) to object to the instrument approved (House of Lords) to NLM AE SUM

  575. A Route from Non-fatal motion (prayer) to object to the instrument lapsed at end of session (House of Commons) to NCM AB SUM

  576. A Route from Non-fatal motion (prayer) to object to the instrument lapsed at end of session (House of Lords) to NLM AB SUM

  577. A Route from Non-fatal motion (prayer) to object to the instrument not called (House of Commons) to NCM AD SUM

  578. A Route from Non-fatal motion (prayer) to object to the instrument not called (House of Lords) to NLM AD SUM

  579. A Route from Non-fatal motion (prayer) to object to the instrument not moved (House of Commons) to NCM AC SUM

  580. A Route from Non-fatal motion (prayer) to object to the instrument not moved (House of Lords) to NLM AC SUM

  581. A Route from Non-fatal motion (prayer) to object to the instrument rejected (House of Commons) to NCM AE SUM

  582. A Route from Non-fatal motion (prayer) to object to the instrument rejected (House of Lords) to NLM AE SUM

  583. A Route from Non-fatal motion (prayer) to object to the instrument tabled (House of Commons) to NCM AA EQUALS

  584. A Route from Non-fatal motion (prayer) to object to the instrument tabled (House of Commons) to NCM AA OR

  585. A Route from Non-fatal motion (prayer) to object to the instrument tabled (House of Lords) to NLM AA EQUALS

  586. A Route from Non-fatal motion (prayer) to object to the instrument withdrawn (House of Commons) to NCM AA SUM

  587. A Route from Non-fatal motion (prayer) to object to the instrument withdrawn (House of Lords) to NLM AA SUM

  588. A Route from Not certified under the English votes for English laws (EVEL) process (House of Commons) to EVEL CERT AA SUM

  589. A Route from Noted as an instrument of interest by the Secondary Legislation Scrutiny Committee (SLSC) (House of Lords) to SLSC AB OR

  590. A Route from Noted as an instrument of interest by the Secondary Legislation Scrutiny Committee (SLSC) (House of Lords) to SLSC AB SUM

  591. A Route from Objection period ends to AJ OR

  592. A Route from Objection period ends to AN OR

  593. A Route from Objection period ends to DH NOT

  594. A Route from Objection period ends to DI AND

  595. A Route from Objection period ends to EF NOT

  596. A Route from Objection period ends to NCM AF NOT

  597. A Route from Objection period ends to NCMC AE AND

  598. A Route from Objection period ends to NLM AF NOT

  599. A Route from Objection period ends to RDLC AF AND

  600. A Route from Procedure concluded in the House of Commons (House of Commons) to CA NOT

  601. A Route from Procedure concluded in the House of Commons and the House of Lords (House of Commons and House of Lords) to CF NOT

  602. A Route from Question on a motion (prayer) to stop the instrument being law put (House of Commons) to AB EQUALS

  603. A Route from Question on a motion (prayer) to stop the instrument being law put (House of Lords) to AI EQUALS

  604. A Route from Question on a motion (prayer) to stop the instrument being law put (House of Commons) to NCM AM SUM

  605. A Route from Question on a motion (prayer) to stop the instrument being law put (House of Lords) to NLM AM SUM

  606. A Route from Question on a motion to refer the instrument to a Delegated Legislation Committee (DLC) put (House of Commons) to RDLC AB EQUALS

  607. A Route from Question on a motion to refer the instrument to a Delegated Legislation Committee (DLC) put (House of Commons) to RDLC AD SUM

  608. A Route from Question on a motion to take note of the instrument put (House of Lords) to NLM AF EQUALS

  609. A Route from Question on a motion to take note of the instrument put (House of Lords) to NLM AQ SUM

  610. A Route from Question on a non-fatal motion (prayer) to object to the instrument put (House of Commons) to NCM AB EQUALS

  611. A Route from Question on a non-fatal motion (prayer) to object to the instrument put (House of Commons) to NCM AD SUM

  612. A Route from Question on a non-fatal motion (prayer) to object to the instrument put (House of Lords) to NLM AB EQUALS

  613. A Route from Question on a non-fatal motion (prayer) to object to the instrument put (House of Lords) to NLM AD SUM

  614. A Route from Question put on motion to consider the instrument (House of Commons) to NCMC AB EQUALS

  615. A Route from Question put on motion to consider the instrument (House of Commons) to NCMC AB NOT

  616. A Route from Question put on motion to consider the instrument (House of Commons) to NCMC AD SUM

  617. A Route from RDLC AA AND to RDLC AA OR

  618. A Route from RDLC AA Decision to RDLC AA OR

  619. A Route from RDLC AA EQUALS to RDLC AA NOT

  620. A Route from RDLC AA NOT to RDLC AA Summation

  621. A Route from RDLC AA OR to Motion to refer the instrument to a Delegated Legislation Committee (DLC) withdrawn (House of Commons)

  622. A Route from RDLC AA SUM to RDLC AA EQUALS

  623. A Route from RDLC AA Summation to ES NOT

  624. A Route from RDLC AA Summation to RDLC AA AND

  625. A Route from RDLC AA Summation to RDLC AA Decision

  626. A Route from RDLC AA Summation to RDLC AB AND

  627. A Route from RDLC AA Summation to RDLC AB Decision

  628. A Route from RDLC AA Summation to RDLC AC Decision

  629. A Route from RDLC AA Summation to RDLC AD AND

  630. A Route from RDLC AA Summation to RDLC AD Decision

  631. A Route from RDLC AB AND to RDLC AC AND

  632. A Route from RDLC AB Decision to Motion to refer the instrument to a Delegated Legislation Committee (DLC) lapsed at end of session (House of Commons)

  633. A Route from RDLC AB EQUALS to RDLC AC NOT

  634. A Route from RDLC AB NOT to RDLC AD AND

  635. A Route from RDLC AB OR to RDLC AC Summation

  636. A Route from RDLC AB SUM to RDLC AA SUM

  637. A Route from RDLC AB Summation to RDLC AG Decision

  638. A Route from RDLC AB Summation to RDLC AH Decision

  639. A Route from RDLC AB Summation to RDLC AI Decision

  640. A Route from RDLC AC AND to RDLC AE Decision

  641. A Route from RDLC AC Decision to Motion to refer the instrument to a Delegated Legislation Committee (DLC) not moved (House of Commons)

  642. A Route from RDLC AC NOT to RDLC AB Summation

  643. A Route from RDLC AC SUM to RDLC AB SUM

  644. A Route from RDLC AC Summation to RDLC AB AND

  645. A Route from RDLC AD AND to RDLC AF Decision

  646. A Route from RDLC AD Decision to Motion to refer the instrument to a Delegated Legislation Committee (DLC) not called (House of Commons)

  647. A Route from RDLC AD NOT to RDLC AE AND

  648. A Route from RDLC AD SUM to RDLC AC SUM

  649. A Route from RDLC AE AND to RDLC AA AND

  650. A Route from RDLC AE Decision to Question on a motion to refer the instrument to a Delegated Legislation Committee (DLC) put (House of Commons)

  651. A Route from RDLC AE SUM to RDLC AB EQUALS

  652. A Route from RDLC AF AND to RDLC AE AND

  653. A Route from RDLC AF Decision to Debate on a motion to refer the instrument to a Delegated Legislation Committee (DLC) (House of Commons)

  654. A Route from RDLC AG Decision to Motion to refer the instrument to a Delegated Legislation Committee (DLC) approved (House of Commons)

  655. A Route from RDLC AH Decision to Motion to refer the instrument to a Delegated Legislation Committee (DLC) rejected (House of Commons)

  656. A Route from RDLC AI Decision to Decision on Motion to refer the instrument to a Delegated Legislation Committee (DLC) deferred (House of Commons)

  657. A Route from Report by the Social Security Advisory Committee and statement by the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions laid before the House of Commons (House of Commons) to EX NOT

  658. A Route from Report by the Social Security Advisory Committee and statement by the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions laid before the House of Lords (House of Lords) to EY NOT

  659. A Route from SCSI AA AND to SCSI AC Decision

  660. A Route from SCSI AA Decision to Instrument drawn to the special attention of the House by the Select Committee on Statutory Instruments (SCSI) (House of Commons)

  661. A Route from SCSI AA EQUALS to SCSI AA NOT

  662. A Route from SCSI AA NOT to SCSI AA Summation

  663. A Route from SCSI AA SUM to SCSI AA EQUALS

  664. A Route from SCSI AA Summation to SCSI AA Decision

  665. A Route from SCSI AA Summation to SCSI AB Decision

  666. A Route from SCSI AB AND to SCSI AD Decision

  667. A Route from SCSI AB Decision to Instrument not drawn to the special attention of the House by the Select Committee on Statutory Instruments (SCSI) (House of Commons)

  668. A Route from SCSI AB NOT to SCSI AA AND

  669. A Route from SCSI AC AND to SCSI AE Decision

  670. A Route from SCSI AC Decision to Select Committee on Statutory Instruments (SCSI) draws the special attention of the House to this instrument on the grounds that it is defectively drafted (House of Commons)

  671. A Route from SCSI AC NOT to SCSI AB AND

  672. A Route from SCSI AD AND to SCSI AF Decision

  673. A Route from SCSI AD Decision to Select Committee on Statutory Instruments (SCSI) draws the special attention of the House to this instrument on the grounds that it requires elucidation (House of Commons)

  674. A Route from SCSI AD NOT to SCSI AC AND

  675. A Route from SCSI AE AND to SCSI AG Decision

  676. A Route from SCSI AE Decision to Select Committee on Statutory Instruments (SCSI) draws the special attention of the House to this instrument on the grounds that there is doubt as to whether they are intra vires (House of Commons)

  677. A Route from SCSI AE NOT to SCSI AD AND

  678. A Route from SCSI AF AND to SCSI AH Decision

  679. A Route from SCSI AF Decision to Select Committee on Statutory Instruments (SCSI) draws the special attention of the House to this instrument on the grounds that it makes unusual or unexpected use of the enabling power (House of Commons)

  680. A Route from SCSI AF NOT to SCSI AE AND

  681. A Route from SCSI AG Decision to Select Committee on Statutory Instruments (SCSI) draws the special attention of the House to this instrument on the grounds that it fails to comply with proper legislative practice (House of Commons)

  682. A Route from SCSI AG NOT to SCSI AF AND

  683. A Route from SCSI AH Decision to Select Committee on Statutory Instruments (SCSI) draws the special attention of the House to this instrument on other grounds (House of Commons)

  684. A Route from SLSC AA Decision to Concerns raised by the Secondary Legislation Scrutiny Committee (SLSC) (House of Lords)

  685. A Route from SLSC AA EQUALS to SLSC AA NOT

  686. A Route from SLSC AA NOT to SLSC AA Summation

  687. A Route from SLSC AA OR to SLSC AB OR

  688. A Route from SLSC AA SUM to SLSC AA EQUALS

  689. A Route from SLSC AA Summation to SLSC AA Decision

  690. A Route from SLSC AA Summation to SLSC AB Decision

  691. A Route from SLSC AA Summation to SLSC AC Decision

  692. A Route from SLSC AB Decision to No concerns raised by the Secondary Legislation Scrutiny Committee (SLSC) (House of Lords)

  693. A Route from SLSC AB OR to SLSC AD Decision

  694. A Route from SLSC AB SUM to SLSC AA SUM

  695. A Route from SLSC AC Decision to Noted as an instrument of interest by the Secondary Legislation Scrutiny Committee (SLSC) (House of Lords)

  696. A Route from SLSC AD Decision to Further information published by the Secondary Legislation Scrutiny Committee (SLSC) (House of Lords)

  697. A Route from Select Committee on Statutory Instruments (SCSI) draws the special attention of the House to this instrument on other grounds (House of Commons) to SCSI AG NOT

  698. A Route from Select Committee on Statutory Instruments (SCSI) draws the special attention of the House to this instrument on the grounds that it fails to comply with proper legislative practice (House of Commons) to SCSI AF NOT

  699. A Route from Select Committee on Statutory Instruments (SCSI) draws the special attention of the House to this instrument on the grounds that it is defectively drafted (House of Commons) to SCSI AB NOT

  700. A Route from Select Committee on Statutory Instruments (SCSI) draws the special attention of the House to this instrument on the grounds that it makes unusual or unexpected use of the enabling power (House of Commons) to SCSI AE NOT

  701. A Route from Select Committee on Statutory Instruments (SCSI) draws the special attention of the House to this instrument on the grounds that it requires elucidation (House of Commons) to SCSI AC NOT

  702. A Route from Select Committee on Statutory Instruments (SCSI) draws the special attention of the House to this instrument on the grounds that there is doubt as to whether they are intra vires (House of Commons) to SCSI AD NOT

  703. A Route from Statement deposited by the Government, declaring the introduction of one or more criminal offences under Schedule 7 of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 (House of Commons) to AH NOT

  704. A Route from Statement deposited by the Government, declaring the introduction of one or more criminal offences under Schedule 7 of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 (House of Lords) to AI NOT

  705. A Route from Written statement invoking the urgent procedure set out in Paragraph 14(6) of Schedule 8 of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 (House of Commons) to EL NOT

  706. A Route from Written statement invoking the urgent procedure set out in Paragraph 14(6) of Schedule 8 of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 (House of Lords) to EM NOT

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