Written Answers (Commons) of 19 January 1996 Series 6 Vol. 269

    1. cc779-80W
    2. Former Yugoslavia 427 words
    1. c780W
    2. County Hall, London 25 words
    3. c780W
    4. Imported Animals and Birds 130 words
    5. c780W
    6. Kent County Council (Interest Charges) 48 words
    7. c780W
    8. Local Government Reform, Leicester 45 words
    9. cc780-1W
    10. Social Rented Housing (Consultation) 498 words
    11. c782W
    12. Housing Legislation 341 words
    1. cc782-4W
    2. Developing Countries (Investment) 629 words
    3. c784W
    4. Development Co-operation Policies 100 words
    5. c784W
    6. Humanitarian Relief 64 words
    7. cc784-5W
    8. Overseas Aid Budget 82 words
    9. c785W
    10. UN Aid Target 83 words
    11. c785W
    12. Development Assistance 79 words
    1. c785W
    2. Overfishing (Irish Box) 174 words
    3. cc785-6W
    4. Live Animal Exports 407 words
    5. c786W
    6. European Union 102 words
    7. cc786-7W
    8. Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy 108 words
    9. c787W
    10. Drift Nets 358 words
    11. cc787-8W
    12. Cattle Movements 182 words
    1. c788W
    2. Doncaster Prison 188 words
    3. cc788-9W
    4. Prisons (Mechanical Restraints) 140 words
    5. c789W
    6. Sex Offenders 295 words
    7. c789W
    8. Murder Charges 53 words
    9. c790W
    10. Ticket Touts 147 words
    11. c790W
    12. Football Supporters 42 words
    13. c790W
    14. Departmental Costs (Computers) 230 words
    15. c791W
    16. Homelessness 132 words
    17. c791W
    18. Prisoners (Housing Benefit) 57 words
    1. cc791-2W
    2. Plant and Machinery 232 words
    3. c792W
    4. Manufacturing Statistics 143 words
    5. c792W
    6. ICL Technical Plastics 62 words
    7. c792W
    8. Miners' Working Shifts 51 words
    9. cc792-3W
    10. Carbon Monoxide Detectors 98 words
    11. c793W
    12. Business Links 50 words
    13. c793W
    14. Shipbuilding Intervention Fund 197 words
    1. cc793-4W
    2. Youth Work Funding 197 words
    3. c794W
    4. Further and Higher Education 226 words
    5. c794W
    6. Union Flag 135 words
    7. cc794-5W
    8. Grant-maintained Integrated Schools 487 words
    9. cc795-6W
    10. Hospices (National Lottery) 122 words
    11. c796W
    12. Electricity Interconnector 141 words
    13. cc796-7W
    14. Disability 613 words
    15. c797W
    16. Clinical Outcomes 74 words
    17. cc797-8W
    18. NHS Trusts 77 words
    1. cc798-800W
    2. Tuberculosis Vaccination 1,267 words
    3. c801W
    4. Executive Agencies 85 words
    5. c801W
    6. Private Finance Initiative 246 words
    7. cc801-2W
    8. Scottish Homes (Transfers) 104 words
    9. c802W
    10. Electricity Interconnector 81 words
    11. cc802-3W
    12. Disability 530 words
    13. c803W
    14. Scots Language 91 words
    15. c803W
    16. Incontinence Pads 73 words
    17. cc803-4W
    18. Autism 176 words
    19. c804W
    20. Carers 126 words
    21. cc804-5W
    22. National Lottery 308 words
    23. cc805-6W
    24. Gateside School for the Deaf 514 words
    25. cc806-7W
    26. Greater Glasgow Health Board 286 words
    27. c807W
    28. Scottish Office Pensions Agency 43 words
    1. c807W
    2. Goods and Public Service Vehicle Drivers 138 words
    3. cc807-8W
    4. Road Rage 113 words
    5. c808W
    6. MOTs 107 words
    1. c808W
    2. Profit-related Pay Schemes 47 words
    3. c808W
    4. Value Added Tax 91 words
    5. cc808-9W
    6. Private Finance Initiative 98 words
    7. c809W
    8. Live Creatures and Plants (Customs Seizures) 149 words
    9. cc809-10W
    10. Scott Inquiry 337 words
    11. c810W
    12. Self-employed People 114 words
  11. HEALTH
    1. cc810-3W
    2. Carbon Monoxide Poisoning 859 words
    3. c813W
    4. Residential Care Homes 141 words
    5. c813W
    6. Disability 134 words
    7. c814W
    8. Autism 111 words
    9. c814W
    10. Hormone Replacement Therapy 66 words
    11. c814W
    12. Psychiatric Nurses 246 words
    13. c815W
    14. Prescriptions (Sheffield) 112 words
    15. c815W
    16. Emergency Service 40 words
    17. c815W
    18. NHS Chairmen and Non-executive Directors 59 words
    19. c815W
    20. Probity Audits 31 words
    21. c815W
    22. Executive Directors (Severance) 45 words
    23. cc815-6W
    24. Trainee Nurses 65 words
    25. c816W
    26. Paracetamol 74 words
    27. c816W
    28. Attention Deficit Disorder 174 words
    29. c816W
    30. Epilepsy 60 words
    31. cc816-7W
    32. NHS Loto 142 words
    33. c817W
    34. Travel Vaccination 166 words
    35. c817W
    36. Hospital Bed Occupancy Rates 19 words
    37. c817W
    38. Young People (Secure Accommodation) 131 words
    39. c818W
    40. Drinking Water 114 words
    41. c818W
    42. Legionnaire's Disease, Turkey 182 words
    1. cc818-9W
    2. Training and Enterprise Councils 141 words
    3. c819W
    4. Tree People(Benefit Claims) 483 words
    5. c820W
    6. Out-of-school Child Care Initiative 74 words
    7. c820W
    8. Student Loans 90 words
    1. c820W
    2. Claimants, Walthamstow 201 words
    3. c821W
    4. Benefits Agency (Assaults on Staff) 494 words
    5. cc821-3W
    6. Habitual Residence Test 727 words
    7. c823W
    8. Cold Weather Payments 193 words
    9. cc823-5W
    10. Reduced Earnings Allowance 875 words
    11. cc825-6W
    12. Housing Benefit 168 words
    13. c826W
    14. Income Support Disability Premium 153 words
    15. c826W
    16. Incapacity Benefit 147 words
    17. cc826-7W
    18. Severe Disablement Allowance 227 words
    19. cc827-30W
    20. Disability Working Allowance 1,344 words
    21. c830W
    22. Family Credit 146 words
    23. cc830-1W
    24. Disability Premium 66 words
    25. c831W
    26. Social Fund 167 words
    27. cc831-2W
    28. Housing Benefit 472 words
    29. c832W
    30. Income Support 123 words
    31. cc832-3W
    32. Benefit Levels 158 words
    1. c833W
    2. Concessionary Television Licences 74 words
  15. WALES
    1. cc833-6W
    2. Public Opinion Surveys 934 words
    3. c836W
    4. Gross Domestic Product 198 words
    5. c836W
    6. Nursery Vouchers 55 words
    7. c836W
    8. Heart Surgery 94 words
    9. cc837-8W
    10. Children with Special Needs 978 words
    11. c839W
    12. Severn Estuary 96 words
    13. c839W
    14. Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus 264 words
    15. cc839-40W
    16. Rented Housing (Consultation) 488 words
    17. cc840-1W
    18. Local Government Finance 381 words
    1. cc841-2W
    2. Coastal Arms Dumps 497 words
    3. c842W
    4. Combined Heat and Power Schemes 94 words
    5. cc842-3W
    6. First Aid Training 62 words
    7. c843W
    8. Contract Power 96 words
    9. c843W
    10. Helicopter Flight School 59 words
    11. c843W
    12. Energy Conservation 93 words
    13. cc843-4W
    14. Bosnia 250 words
    15. cc844-6W
    16. Ammunition 838 words
    17. cc846-58W
    18. Mobile Phones 6,183 words
    19. c858W
    20. Training 82 words