§ 16 May 1992
§ A prisoner climbed onto the first floor window sill of unoccupied living unit and stayed there for four hours.
§ 28 May to 29 May 1992
§ Passive demonstration when 43 prisoners refused to be locked in their cells at night.
§ 18 June to 19 June 1992
§ Passive demonstration when 28 prisoners refused to leave association areas to go to bed.
§ 27 June to 28 June 1992
§ 48 prisoners refused to go to their cells at night and caused damage. Incident resolved without force.
§ 13 July to 14 July 1992
§ Initially 50 prisoners refused to go to their cells. But all except 11 prisoners eventually returned to their cells and control and restraint teams entered and removed nine prisoners to segregation unit.
§ 17 October 1992
§ 31 prisoners of F Unit refused to return to their cells in order to watch the end of a boxing match on TV.
§ 1 January 1993
§ 16 prisoners refused to return to their cells and barricaded themselves in TV room. Prisoners eventually returned to their cells.
79WA§ 28 February 1993
§ 12 prisoners refused to leave the television room until after a film finished and barricaded the door. All 12 prisoners subsequently returned to their cells quietly at 2300 hours.
§ 11 March to 12 March 1993
§ Two prisoners on exercise made a makeshift ladder from a knotted sheet to attempt to climb a wall. One fell injuring his ankle. The other stayed on the roof for 5 ½ hours and then came down by ladder.
§ 4 April 1993
§ Five prisoners barricaded themselves into a cell for 3½ hours. All ended their protest peacefully.
§ 15 May 1993
§ 21 prisoners refused to leave TV room at night-time lock-up.
§ 11 June to 12 June 1993
§ 49 prisoners refused to be locked up and caused damage to the Unit and furniture.
§ 28 June to 29 June
§ Two prisoners allegedly assaulted three members of staff and a prisoner and started a fire within a Unit which resulted in smoke and water damage.