HC Deb 17 December 1992 vol 216 c435W
Mr. Corbyn

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs how Her Majesty's Government intend to act on the recommendations of the joint report by the ODA, EC and the office of the United States Foreign Disaster Assistance on the emergency winter assessment mission to northern Iraq in October.

Mr. Lennox-Boyd

In response to the findings of the assessment mission we reacted swiftly with a donation of £2.6 million to fund the purchase of 2,700 tonnes of chick peas and a similar quantity of edible oils through the United Nations World Food Programme, as well as road repair and maintenance through the Save the Children Fund. We are also contributing to relief efforts through our share of the EC emergency assistance allocation of 10.13 million ecu, which is being used for the provision of food and kerosene, and for support to non-governmental organisations projects in both northern and southern Iraq. We continue to monitor the situation and are considering the funding of further NGO proposals.

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