- Victoria and Albert Museum 278 words c57W
- "Stepping Forward" 83 words cc57-8W
- Theatre Companies (Joint and Reciprocal Productions) 79 words c58W
- Northern ballet theatre 218 words c58W
- British Theatre Association Library 37 words cc58-9W
- "A Fresh Boost for Culture in the European Community" 108 words c59W
- Office of Arts and Libraries 242 words c59W
- Carnegie Trust 53 words cc59-60W
- Arts Education Establishments 93 words c60W
- British Libraries (Titles) 160 words c60W
- Museums and Heritage Organisations (Volunteers) 96 words c60W
- Political Parties (Archives) 36 words c60W
- Arts Council 40 words cc60-1W
- Ballet and Dance 52 words c61W
- Phoenix Arts Centre, Leicester 29 words c61W
- London Opera 48 words c61W
- Crafts Council 42 words