HL Deb 02 February 1989 vol 503 c1306WA
Lord Kennet

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will confirm that levels of compensation for environmental damage and damage to property caused by the Channel Tunnel and all its associated developments (rail, road, etc.) will be the same in France and in England.

Lord Brabazon of Tara

The Channel Tunnel Act 1987 applies the usual statutory compensation provisions for compulsory purchase, blight and injurious affection to all the works authorised, including the road and rail improvements provided for in the Act. On top of this, Eurotunnel have undertaken to broaden the scope of compensation in several respects for their works. For other developments associated with the tunnel, again statutory provisions apply. Additionally, for the proposed high speed line, British Rail have announced their willingness to go beyond strict statutory requirements by purchasing properties in advance of their choice of route in cases of hardship. The Government are not responsible for compensation provisions in France.