- Drugs 251 words
- Police Questioning (Tape Recordings) 203 words
- Rape 334 words
- Life Sentences 77 words
- AIDS 96 words
- Prison Kitchens (Inspections) 82 words
- Unsolved Crimes 123 words
- Official Secrets Act 54 words
- Independent Broadcasting Authority 66 words
- Crime Prevention 357 words
- Hampshire Constabulary 91 words
- Remand Centres 82 words
- Lay Visitor Schemes 80 words
- Fraud 52 words
- Criminal Appeal Act 76 words
- Home Watch Scheme 88 words
- Prisoners (NHS Treatment) 62 words
- Supervised Bail 52 words
- Burglary and Vandalism 102 words
- Theft 102 words
- Prison Facilities (Women) 118 words
- Television Violence 91 words
- Immigration 323 words
- Thames Valley Police Force 90 words
- Football Matches 49 words
- "The Secret Society" 32 words
- Prisoners (Distance from Home) 76 words
- Police (Devon and Cornwall) 291 words
- Cost of Crime 59 words
- Crime Statistics 207 words
- Prisons Inspectorate 76 words
- Neighbourhood Watch Schemes 63 words
- Police Areas 46 words
- Prison Population 49 words
- Sexual Offences 72 words
- Community Radio 55 words
- Crime (Greater Manchester) 257 words
- Crimes Against Children 64 words
- Birmingham Pub Bombings 75 words
- Fresh Start 55 words
- Amusement Arcades 111 words
- Police Expenditure 57 words
- Postal Votes 111 words
- Greater Manchester Police Authority 36 words
- Crime Statistics 106 words
- Blyth Valley (Electoral Arrangements) 131 words
- Thomas Maguire (Detention) 79 words
- Horserace Totalisator Board 71 words
- Mr. Colin Wallace 99 words
- Immigration 115 words
- Police (Complaints) 72 words
- Police (Wrongful Acts) 610 words
- Wheel Clamping 264 words
- Television Licences 137 words
- Nazi War Criminals 191 words
- Departmental Computers 339 words