HL Deb 27 January 1987 vol 483 cc1320-1WA
Lord Brougham and Vaux

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What plans they have for the Overseas Development Administration's scientific units when they move to Chatham; and whether they will make a statement.

The Minister of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office (Baroness Young)

My honourable friend the Minister for Overseas Development (Mr. Patten) has decided to integrate the Tropical Development and Research Institute (TDRI) and the Land Resources Development Centre (LRDC) with effect from 1st September 1987; and to assign to the director professional responsibility for members of the Corps of Specialists in certain natural resources 'disciplines. The combined organisation will be known as the Overseas Development Natural Resources Institute (ODNRI) and will have the following mandate:

To promote the sustainable development of the natural resources sector in developing countries through:

—assessment of land and water resources;

—pilot-scale development projects;

—applied research in the fields of pest control and of crop and animal processing, storage and marketing;

—assessment of the environmental consequences of development projects.

Efficiency savings achieved by rationalising the support services for the new organisation will provide scope for further resources to be allocated to scientific and operational programmes.

The relocation of the ODA's scientific staff to a single site, due to take place in 1988, will bring significant professional benefits. The changes my honourable friend is announcing today are intended to build on this, and to strengthen the important contribution which the staff make to our aid effort in the natural resources sector.