HC Deb 12 April 1984 vol 58 c352W
Mr. Corrie

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will make a statement about the work of the health capital steering group.

Mr. Younger

The capital steering group, which was set up in 1980, has finished its work and reported. I am arranging for a copy of the report to be placed in the Library.

The terms of reference of the group were: To guide the consideration of the health capital building programme in Scotland in the light of the existing stock, the needs of Health Boards, and the likely availability of finance; and to report.

The report offers:

  1. (i) A set of indicators of "reasonable bed needs" in various specialities by health board area;
  2. (ii) An assessment of the existing stock of hospital building in Scotland, based on detailed surveys of its physical state and suitability;
  3. (iii) A calculation of capital investment for priority categories (as defined in the report "Scottish Health Authorities' Priorities for the Eighties" (SHAPE) required by area in terms of "bed units";
  4. (iv) Recommended new administrative arrangements for delegating greater responsibility to health boards for new capital investment in the SHAPE priority categories; and
  5. (v) An indication of the amount likely to be available after meeting priority demands to fund other areas of capital investment.

Although the report has only just been received in final form, its main findings have been known for some time, and some of the recommendations have begun to be implemented, in particular, a special allocation of £6.5 million, subsequently increased to £9.4 million, was made to health boards last year to assist in the process of upgrading stock identified in the survey as being below standard. A further allocation for this purpose of £16.8 million has been made for 1984–85.

I am sending copies of the report to all health boards and inviting them to consider with my Department how the recommendation can best be put into effect.

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