HC Deb 22 October 1981 vol 10 cc185-6W

Mr. Greville Janner asked the Secretary of State for Defence when he expects to decide whether or not to place orders for the 805 SD modified version of Sea Dart area air defence guided weapon system.

Mr. Pattie:

There are no plans at present to purchase such a system. It is possible, however, that the Navy may see a requirement for this type of weapon in the future.

Mr. Greville Janner asked the Secretary of State for Defence when he expects to decide whether or not to cancel the order for five 909 (GWS 30) Sea Dart area air defence guided weapon systems to be fitted on Type 42 destroyers.

Mr. Pattie:

The possible options are being examined, and it is hoped that an early decision will be made.

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