HL Deb 14 October 1981 vol 424 cc431-2WA
Lord Inglewood

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will set out the breakdown of the Forestry Commission woods in Great Britain in the following tabular form:—

Age Classes HW SW Mixed
Over 80

The Earl of Mansfield

The latest date for which this information is available is 31st March 1976.

Thousands of Acres
Age Classes Hardwoods Softwoods Mixed Total
1–20 11.6 1,090.2 33.6 1,135.4
21–40 26.7 555.2 19.5 601.4
41–60 8.6 167.5 5.7 181.8
61–80 3.7 4.7 0.5 8.9
Over 80 12.1 4.7 1.2 18.0
62.7 1,822.3 60.5 1,945.5

In addition there are approximately 2,500 acres of coppice and 27,000 acres of low grade hardwoods for which information in the required form is not available.