- Young Persons (Serious Offences) 535 words
- Convicted Persons (Disclosure to Employers) 174 words
- Immigration Detainees 53 words
- Compensation Orders 171 words
- General Elections (Poll) 63 words
- Murders 112 words
- Child Kidnapping 46 words
- Television Reception (Pathhead) 108 words
- Prosecution Costs (Non-payment) 36 words
- Crown Courts (Defence Costs) 157 words
- Airguns (Display and Sale) 58 words
- Cinematograph Films 121 words
- Prisoners (Visits) 28 words
- Magistrates' Courts (Legal Aid Applications) 1,063 words
- Juvenile Offenders 93 words
- Prisoners (Sentences) 89 words